MA2 about 70m from me, lost signal, error messages mention RC Interference and Lost Signal. Fortunately got the drone back
Location: rural area
Possible causes:
I'm guessing (1), but not entirely sure.
One other symptom: jerky video feed, where it freezes for a moment then updates from another position entirely.
Location: rural area
Possible causes:
- My phone wifi was on (I now know that was a mistake from reading another thread here)
- I am 120m from a Broadband Tower (Australian NBN) broadcasting on the 2.3GHz, 3.4GHz and 3.5GHz bands
- I have "Krazy Karen" neighbors who have reported my drone to the police and who are nutty enough to buy jamming equipment to cause a flyaway incident
I'm guessing (1), but not entirely sure.
One other symptom: jerky video feed, where it freezes for a moment then updates from another position entirely.