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RC2 shows correct exposure on capture but raw image is much darker


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2022
Central Oregon
When capturing a RAW image when flying, the image on the RC2 controller screen looks good, but after uploading into LightRoom the image is 3 to 4 stops darker. I have had the Air2s and RC2 combo since last December of 2022, and just started seeing this issue in the last month. I always upgrade the drone and controller as soon as one is available so am on the latest release.

I shoot in RAW, so do not have JPEGs to compare. Has anyone else experienced this issue in a big difference in exposure from what is viewed on the controller screen and what the actual image looks like when transferred to the computer?

Here is the image I took, which is obviously way underexposed, and I would not purposely take the photo like this as the shadows have a lack of detail. I am not as concerned as much as why the drone produced a dark exposure since there is a lot of bright sky in the photo.

My issue is that what I viewed on screen at the time looked better than this but much darker on the computer. No, it isn't my computer display brightness as I calibrate my monitors and don't have this issue with the DJI Pocket 2 video camera or both my Sony cameras.

The preview you see in the controller is not the raw image, but a low resolution jpg image the raw file contains.
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When capturing a RAW image when flying, the image on the RC2 controller screen looks good, but after uploading into LightRoom the image is 3 to 4 stops darker. I have had the Air2s and RC2 combo since last December of 2022, and just started seeing this issue in the last month. I always upgrade the drone and controller as soon as one is available so am on the latest release.

I shoot in RAW, so do not have JPEGs to compare. Has anyone else experienced this issue in a big difference in exposure from what is viewed on the controller screen and what the actual image looks like when transferred to the computer?

Here is the image I took, which is obviously way underexposed, and I would not purposely take the photo like this as the shadows have a lack of detail. I am not as concerned as much as why the drone produced a dark exposure since there is a lot of bright sky in the photo.

My issue is that what I viewed on screen at the time looked better than this but much darker on the computer. No, it isn't my computer display brightness as I calibrate my monitors and don't have this issue with the DJI Pocket 2 video camera or both my Sony cameras.

View attachment 168580
To be honest, it doesn't look any different to any of the OOC RAW's I've taken on an overcast day. Looks like there are still plenty of details in the shadows, I think it's just bad light and there's nothing anybody can do about that.
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Good advice to use the histogram, which is what I use on my Sony all the time. I will do that more.
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When capturing a RAW image when flying, the image on the RC2 controller screen looks good, but after uploading into LightRoom the image is 3 to 4 stops darker. I have had the Air2s and RC2 combo since last December of 2022, and just started seeing this issue in the last month. I always upgrade the drone and controller as soon as one is available so am on the latest release.

I shoot in RAW, so do not have JPEGs to compare. Has anyone else experienced this issue in a big difference in exposure from what is viewed on the controller screen and what the actual image looks like when transferred to the computer?

Here is the image I took, which is obviously way underexposed, and I would not purposely take the photo like this as the shadows have a lack of detail. I am not as concerned as much as why the drone produced a dark exposure since there is a lot of bright sky in the photo.

My issue is that what I viewed on screen at the time looked better than this but much darker on the computer. No, it isn't my computer display brightness as I calibrate my monitors and don't have this issue with the DJI Pocket 2 video camera or both my Sony cameras.

View attachment 168580
Hello there, it´s good to find your post. I´m experiencing the same thing. I work with drones since 2017 and those years gave me valuable experience in aerial photography. But since I got the RC pro controller i´ve come to find my night and sunset/sunrise pictures underexposed, very far from what I see on the RC pro controller screen. Have you found a way to deal with that? It´s been difficult to calculate how much I should overexpose the pic in site to get the light I want on lightroom. Thanks
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