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RTH not working properly

Dec 25, 2016
HEllo to everybody, it happend when my mavic was 1000 ft faraway I pushed RTH on the RC but instead to Return to Homepoint it started to Land.... on the display was written Landing and drone was starting to landing over there.
Then I stopped landing and manually fly back Mavic to My home point.
WHy this happen?
Thank you

Sent from my iPad using MavicPilots
I actually did this by accident today. There are two icons on the screen, one is RTH and the other is Land. They look similar and can get confused. My guess is you hit the wrong one. Take it back up tomorrow and don't take it too far away, maybe 100 feet or so then do RTH again to see if it still does it.

The RTH button is the one with the circle and a very small H on it vs the other has no H.
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Thank you for your reply, but I pushed RTH on the RC left button not on Mobile App, DJIGO 4, this is very strange ....

Sent from my iPad using MavicPilots
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Did you check out your TXT flight log to see if it indicates what happened? You can upload it here.
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I have same issue, any update?
My guess is a home point was not recorded due to weak GPS or flying away before it establishes a location. It's very important to make sure that happens before flying away. Also, you can change the home point mid flight so it's always possible you did that accidentally.
make sure when you pull into a hover at takeoff that you WAIT until home point is recorded. That means a solid GPS lock and it knows where to come back to. If you don't wait, make sure you enter the app and set the home point. There is going to be a setting for the home point to be where you are now or where the aircraft is now. My guess is that your home point was not recorded properly and it was using current location of the aircraft as the RTH destination. I went to a field and played with this at length two days ago and got it all worked out. In the beginning, I did not think it was working properly as it flies FAST towards the RTH point and I kept thinking it was going to over fly me and head the other way. Finally I did it in the centre of the field and noticed it boogies back to the RTH point and then just halts and lands. very cool !
make sure when you pull into a hover at takeoff that you WAIT until home point is recorded. That means a solid GPS lock and it knows where to come back to. If you don't wait, make sure you enter the app and set the home point. There is going to be a setting for the home point to be where you are now or where the aircraft is now. My guess is that your home point was not recorded properly and it was using current location of the aircraft as the RTH destination. I went to a field and played with this at length two days ago and got it all worked out. In the beginning, I did not think it was working properly as it flies FAST towards the RTH point and I kept thinking it was going to over fly me and head the other way. Finally I did it in the centre of the field and noticed it boogies back to the RTH point and then just halts and lands. very cool !

I'll take note of all your suggestions, thank you very much guys!

Sent from my iPad using MavicPilots
Any luck with this? I had the same issue you described. It recorded a home point but on return to home it just started descending and did not go to altitude. It was definely the RTH button not land. On the map it even showed where home is but it made no attempt to fly up then over first.
Hi guys I’m having an issue where where RTH isn’t coming back to exactly where it took off from , I’ve checked everything and all seems ok , I’m also having trouble with screen disconnect which happens randomly so annoying .
I’m having an issue where where RTH isn’t coming back to exactly where it took off from
What happens instead? Please be as detailed as possible.
What happens instead? Please be as detailed as possible.

On the RTH it starts to come back but starts to land in a different spot , sometimes it’s close ( in around 5-6 ft) from where it took off from but most cases it’s no where near , I always make sure I’ve reset position etc but out all the times I’ve tried it hasn’t landed close to where it took of from .

Also when I’m having screen disconnect issues it flies blank with no photo and it system system disconnected, I’ve checked the cables ports etc , updated etc etc but still randomly doing it , on thing I haven’t tried it using the port underneath the controller which I will today but it’s putting me off exploring any further incase I never see it again ,
I’ve only had it 2 weeks .

All hell advice appreciated
What device and software are you using?
Can you upload your flight logs.
In relation to screen disconnect:

Use an original Apple/Samsung cable and connect at the bottom of the controller to your monitor.

I had a lot of trouble with the supplied cable that goes on the side of the RC.

Once I started using an original Apple cable the problems never returned.
I have the same issue since i upgraded to the latest firmware. Press rth and it just goes straight into landing. Does not go up to the rth height level and does npt fly back. goes straight into landing and that is with the homepoint set and 15 satellites locked in.
I have the same issue since i upgraded to the latest firmware. Press rth and it just goes straight into landing. Does not go up to the rth height level and does npt fly back. goes straight into landing and that is with the homepoint set and 15 satellites locked in.
See my post, above... Same questions apply.
I have the same issue since i upgraded to the latest firmware. Press rth and it just goes straight into landing. Does not go up to the rth height level and does npt fly back. goes straight into landing and that is with the homepoint set and 15 satellites locked in.
In the release notes it says that the upgrade may mess with your settings (though I would expect it to set things back to defaults rather than mess with them randomly). So it's worth double-checking the setting. And as alluded to above, once the battery gets low enough it will land directly rather than RTH.
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