I recommend everyone go to a big field (a High School football field works), and play around with RTH in all its different behaviors/modes. I finally did this the other day ('been flying DJI for a while now, and never did this), and learned a few things.
Do it all: Send it far enough away that it does a full ascend on user RTH. bring it in closer and RTH it from a variety of different distances -- explore just where that outer radius is where it just lands in place for RTH (20m I believe), so you can SEE how far away that is.
Fly a battery around until it forces RTH. Fight it and make it do a Critical Battery landing. Turn the RC off with it 100' away and see the timing of lost signal RTH.
I played a lot with it on one battery, and got much more familiar, and comfortable with it.
Glad I did.