We all view things thru different lenses. Mine is from an airline aviator view. We have what are called SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and Technique. SOP must be followed and technique is how you want to do it. For example, if I am flying at Flight Level 290 (29,000') and Air Traffic Control instructs me "descend to and maintain FL250" then I must do it and am expected to use a minimum descent rate. There are other company procedures that are required in setting up the required instruments for the altitude change. Those are SOPs. Whether I fly the descent off autopilot or use automation is technique. Also, whatever automation mode I choose to use for the descent is also technique. My options might be Vertical Speed, Flight Level Change, Vertical Navigation, Flight Path Angle, etc.
There are times when I want to fly manually to keep up my hand-flying skills and there times I want to use the automation. One reason for using the automation is to reduce workload if other things are going on. e.g. high traffic area, issues in the cockpit, briefing the approach, etc. Another very valid reason for using the automation is to be familiar with it. Whether it's flying the jet or my Mavic, I want to be proficient with it's automation. I may not use all the automation available but I want to be at least knowledgeable with it if I want, or need to use it. It is not uncommon in our initial briefings for the Capt say he/she expects the crew to follow SOP but use your own technique. In my years of flying I have seldom seen pilots corrected for their Technique. Suggestions might be offered but seldom required. I don't see any difference with Mavic pilots. How one wants to fly is a matter of technique. Again, that's my perspective thru my lens.