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RTH question


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Bristol UK
Hi all

I have a question on the RTH.

I have added a quick drawing to try and explain my question.

If you fly down a hill or valley and then hit the RTH button.

Will the drone climb higher than the 100ft you set it at the start to then clear the up coming hill?

Or will it keep to the set 100ft as it comes back and then at some point run into the hill side?

I hope this makes sence ;)



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Yes. It will go to whatever you set it at takeoff point then come back to you.
So as @dirkclod says, your left hand sketch.
-Climbs vertically to "x" feet above your take off point (unless it is already higher then it will maintains current Alt.)
-Turns towards home point
-flies home
-stops overhead homepoint
-rotates to takeoff heading
-Descends vertically
-at around 30' adjusts for precision landing if active.
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So as @dirkclod says, your left hand sketch.
-Climbs vertically to "x" feet above your take off point (unless it is already higher then it will maintains current Alt.)
-Turns towards home point
-flies home
-stops overhead homepoint
-rotates to takeoff heading
-Descends vertically
-at around 30' adjusts for precision landing if active.
Right but you said it better I was rushed .:)Thumbswayup
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so if I fly it down the valley it will go right up and then level out at the ceiling I set `about me` before then coming home and it wont bash into the hillside ?
When RTH is initiated, your Mavic will fly up to 0 feet and then up to the RTH altitude. There are some other special cases, so you should review the Mavic manual for more details on the RTH feature.
When you fly downhill, the height will display in negative numbers. RTH will make it rise up to the positive number it is set at and then return.
I was wondering the same...
I have a question too..

If there's tree on the hill where the drone take off, is there a way to have the home point somewhere else in case it RTH by itself?

Would I need to take off from the hill and then land it somewhere safe? So it record that location as a new home point?
...If there's tree on the hill where the drone take off, is there a way to have the home point somewhere else in case it RTH by itself?

Would I need to take off from the hill and then land it somewhere safe? So it record that location as a new home point?
You should set the RTH height to clear any expected obstructions. It should not matter if there is a tree on the hill; when RTH kicks in it will rise to the set height, head home, and land. If it is already above the RTH set height it will head home at that height and land. You can also set it to rise, move sideways (not recommended), or hover if it detects an obstruction while returning.

You can set a new home point elsewhere without landing.
Thanks for your answer Mossiback.

But if there's tree over my head, the drone could not land there as it would detect an obstacle..

How can you set a new home point without landing?
But if there's tree over my head, the drone could not land there as it would detect an obstacle..
It would be safest to take off from a location that is not covered/surrounded by obstacles. If your Mavic is at least 50 feet away from all nearby obstacles, you should be fine if it needs to RTH for some reason.
It would be safest to take off from a location that is not covered/surrounded by obstacles.
That would be ideal but let say I'm hiking and don't want to go down the hill just for the take off.. I could go down hill to retrieve the drone if it lands there for safety reason.

If I set it to hover over my head and there's obstacle and I don't have a signal with the drone what happen next? (When battery will be almost dead)
Thanks for your answer Mossiback.

But if there's tree over my head, the drone could not land there as it would detect an obstacle..

How can you set a new home point without landing?
OK, you did not mention the tree would be overhead, just that it was on a hill. When flying under objects it is best practice to set RTH to hover. If you are flying out and then up you could spot a recovery site, fly to it, and reset your home point there. Just hover over the spot and reset the home point manually in Go 4.
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This forum is awesome, I have been scratching my head a long time for a solution for this situation.

So the thing is just to set a new home point with the app in case I can not bring it back to me.

Thank you so much guys!
Have fun!
You are welcome. I reset my home point often as I tend to walk around while flying. Enjoy!
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