There’s no ‘repeated’ or ‘continually’ in the law if A photo you take with your recreational drone falls into a commercial end use, then you’re clearly in violation- 100%. No ifs, ands, or buts about it! Be very careful who you give one of you photos or videos to! They may be dumber than all-get-out or they just may plainly understand that they have no responsibility in such a matter and are very willing to gamble with your actual responsibilities...hence why most people on this thread seem to think the law is very rubbery...rather than precise.
The law is quite precise - the intent of the flight has to be recreational, and there is nothing in the law about photos, or the subsequent sale of photos. Provided that the intent of the flight was recreational, nothing that happens subsequently, such as the sale of photos, has any impact. So you probably should have read the law before commenting - that would have avoided the need for multiple posters to point out that you are completely wrong.