Hi All...Portsmouth UK here and I have a huge concern with safety. Over here we bang on about safety and lets be honest some of these things can do serious damage to a Human Being and also lets be honest they are legally classified as Aircraft.
My Issue is 'Hand Launch / Recovery'.
I believe the first Legal case in UK involved a teenager being hit in the face with a very small drone........make unknown. I also believe that it caused permanent damage to his eyesight.
My point here is that under the new rules 01/21 generally you must maintain a minimum distance of 50m from uninvolved persons for take off and landing which can be reduced to 30m under certain circumstances.
Why then is it even remotely considered that launching from one hand whilst struggling with a controller in the other....( clearly not having control of the Aircraft ) safe to do just that. Right in front of your face.
How the ( Mod Removed Language)does that even feature in your Risk Assesment. and how is it acceptable.
More recently a toddler had his eyeball sliced in half.
What is the point of any rules or certification if we are to promote launching the bloody thing from your hands in front of your face,.
I am dumbfounded at the amount of people who do not see a problem here. ITS EFFING DANGEROUS...hence the 50 m take distance.
Hi All...Portsmouth UK here and I have a huge concern with safety. Over here we bang on about safety and lets be honest some of these things can do serious damage to a Human Being and also lets be honest they are legally classified as Aircraft.
My Issue is 'Hand Launch / Recovery'.
I believe the first Legal case in UK involved a teenager being hit in the face with a very small drone........make unknown. I also believe that it caused permanent damage to his eyesight.
My point here is that under the new rules 01/21 generally you must maintain a minimum distance of 50m from uninvolved persons for take off and landing which can be reduced to 30m under certain circumstances.
Why then is it even remotely considered that launching from one hand whilst struggling with a controller in the other....( clearly not having control of the Aircraft ) safe to do just that. Right in front of your face.
How the ( Mod Removed Language)does that even feature in your Risk Assesment. and how is it acceptable.
More recently a toddler had his eyeball sliced in half.
What is the point of any rules or certification if we are to promote launching the bloody thing from your hands in front of your face,.
I am dumbfounded at the amount of people who do not see a problem here. ITS EFFING DANGEROUS...hence the 50 m take distance.
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