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Save $400, skip extra camera - upgrading from M3P - M4P or Air 3???


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2020
Arizona, USA
Hey guys, you know the tough decision when you're upgrading trying to figure out what features you want and if it's worth it for the price point...

My single biggest reason for upgrading from the M3P is that I want obstacle avoidance all around the bird. Previously I have owned an Air 2 as well (and a Yuneec Typhoon H as my first drone). I've never had anything but the standard wide angle camera and it has done the trick for me.

Although I could see some benefits of the zoom 70mm camera. It's really the only value difference I see between M3P and the Air 3. I know it's a bigger bird and probably handles wind better but generally I've never had wind problems with any DJI drone so I don't really consider that a plus.

The ability to consolidate all three batteries using just the charging cradle is great, but I only do short shoots, usually 15 to 20 minutes of residential and commercial property and so bringing two charged batteries is fine for me. I rarely ever switch to a second battery anyway.

I do use the vertical shooting of the M3P occasionally. But in the past I never wished I had it, I just cropped as needed. Mostly I deliver images to clients that are two megapixels so they can use them for web property listings, so losing some pixels is not a big deal.

The reality is I'll probably keep the Air 3 that I've purchased and sits unopened on my desk. The $400 in the end won't really matter. And having the ability to use the extra camera as well as the few other small features may be valuable. In fact one or two shoots with that new camera could pay for itself depending on what I need to do.

Anything else I might be missing or should consider? I always appreciate the opinions and help from the forum team.
@WildcatDave ,only you can really know ,which drone is best for you
it has to which one is going to be the most productive ,in your case ,and meets your requirements ,for the job you intend to use it for
now the Mini 4 pro has been given many of the features ,of its bigger brothers ,all DJI have done is make it harder to decide ,between them
in certain parts of the world, then the choice is going to be down to weight ,and that is why, the sub 250g class of drone, was first conceived ,to meet the rules and regs ,
Hey guys, you know the tough decision when you're upgrading trying to figure out what features you want and if it's worth it for the price point...

My single biggest reason for upgrading from the M3P is that I want obstacle avoidance all around the bird. Previously I have owned an Air 2 as well (and a Yuneec Typhoon H as my first drone). I've never had anything but the standard wide angle camera and it has done the trick for me.

Although I could see some benefits of the zoom 70mm camera. It's really the only value difference I see between M3P and the Air 3. I know it's a bigger bird and probably handles wind better but generally I've never had wind problems with any DJI drone so I don't really consider that a plus.

The ability to consolidate all three batteries using just the charging cradle is great, but I only do short shoots, usually 15 to 20 minutes of residential and commercial property and so bringing two charged batteries is fine for me. I rarely ever switch to a second battery anyway.

I do use the vertical shooting of the M3P occasionally. But in the past I never wished I had it, I just cropped as needed. Mostly I deliver images to clients that are two megapixels so they can use them for web property listings, so losing some pixels is not a big deal.

The reality is I'll probably keep the Air 3 that I've purchased and sits unopened on my desk. The $400 in the end won't really matter. And having the ability to use the extra camera as well as the few other small features may be valuable. In fact one or two shoots with that new camera could pay for itself depending on what I need to do.

Anything else I might be missing or should consider? I always appreciate the opinions and help from the forum team.
I have the Air 2 (upgraded to RID today, BTW), the Mini 3 Pro and the Air 3. For me, as a professional photographer and commercial pilot, the 70mm telephoto camera on the Air 3 is priceless. For me, the only feature that I would consider upgrading from the Mini 3 Pro to the Mini 4 Pro is the auxiliary light that it has on the bottom. I use the lights on my Air 2 and Air 3 all the time during low light situations. However, I can certainly live without it... :)
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Thanks for the replies guys. I think the right choice for me, since money is not a tight concern and the weight restriction really has no bearing on where I fly, is to stick with the Air 3. It has at least everything the 4P offers and significantly the additional camera which I have a feeling once I get it and use it I will be happy that I have options.

Sometimes I do fly arounds on houses that are set in mountainous areas and being able to fly to a higher elevation to do the shot safely using the 70 mm camera will be helpful. It's the main reason I also want full obstacle avoidance, as random tall cactuses don't get picked up on the mini 3 Pro and I often have to do a couple test flights to make sure I'm safe. It takes quite a bit of extra time, which wouldn't be that bad, except some days it's 108° outside and you just want to get the job done.
My current ride is an Air 2s and I was looking at the M3P and thinking about picking it up but...
THEN DJI announced the Air 3 and I was love struck, a few weeks of thinking about it and I noticed the price drop of the M3P, enticing, but it also signaled that DJI had something in the wings.... the M4P. So I waited for the announcement. After seeing the M4P specs, while nice, I decided to pull the trigger on the Air 3. Size/weight wasn't an issue for me... that's why they make carry bags. But the difference of only $340 in price (M4P vs Air 3) for the extras that you get, was a no brainer.
But as a previous poster said, only YOU can decide what's best for you.
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