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Saw this guy land in my yard


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
I was flying around my yard and this guy flew in and landed on a branch to see what I was doing. I flew over and kept a good distance as not to startle him and then zoomed in to 48mm. I then digitally cropped the picture. What a beautiful bird. 6E4C26DCE5CC8FE0522F07E8959C9DA5.jpeg20180910_122023.jpeg
Looks like Peregrine Falcon (I think)
I'm not sure what it is actually. But it was really curious about my M2 Zoom. He was flying around 100 feet up, I went up at a safe distance to try to get a picture and wasn't able. I came back down and was flying at around 10 feet navigating around things in my yard and it flew down and sat on the branch for a few minutes just watching. The zoom lense came in handy, I didnt scare him off and was able to get some good pics.
I'm not sure what it is actually. But it was really curious about my M2 Zoom. He was flying around 100 feet up, I went up at a safe distance to try to get a picture and wasn't able. I came back down and was flying at around 10 feet navigating around things in my yard and it flew down and sat on the branch for a few minutes just watching. The zoom lense came in handy, I didnt scare him off and was able to get some good pics.
Where do you live
It's a Broad-Winged Hawk. You can tell from the tail. Three dark bands separated by white bands. Several years ago, I saw 4 of them perched on a tree near my house. (North East Massachusetts) They migrate this time of year.
It's a Broad-Winged Hawk. You can tell from the tail. Three dark bands separated by white bands. Several years ago, I saw 4 of them perched on a tree near my house. (North East Massachusetts) They migrate this time of year.
Thanks for the info! I appreciate it.
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I was flying around my yard and this guy flew in and landed on a branch to see what I was doing. I flew over and kept a good distance as not to startle him and then zoomed in to 48mm. I then digitally cropped the picture. What a beautiful bird. View attachment 46029View attachment 46030

Thai indeed is a beautiful bird. It is a Sharp-Shinned Hawk, a member of the Accipiter family. Sharp-Shinned Hawks are "bird Hawks" primarily feeding on birds the catch. She was probably eyeing your drone.

I have had hawks fly over my yard several times while flying drones, and on at least occasions have had Bald Eagles fly near my drone. They are amazingly curious about our drones.
Thai indeed is a beautiful bird. It is a Sharp-Shinned Hawk, a member of the Accipiter family. Sharp-Shinned Hawks are "bird Hawks" primarily feeding on birds the catch. She was probably eyeing your drone.

I have had hawks fly over my yard several times while flying drones, and on at least occasions have had Bald Eagles fly near my drone. They are amazingly curious about our drones.
I just saw your reply. Thank you for the information. It definitely was Interested in my mavic. It's amazing how owning a drone has opened my eyes to what is around me in nature. I can't say I would have really noticed it before
There you go!!! Another use for a drone....bird-watching. That is a beautiful photo and your zoom did nice on getting it. They aren't as afraid of other flying things as they are of people, it seems.
Beautiful photo. Here in COS, CO we have them all over. Not all are content to just perch and watch. I once had one start inwardly circling until I no longer felt safe and landed. I landed, so did he, then he started to peck at it. I thought it best to retrieve my MA and close up shop for the day.
Happy flying
That looks like a Cooper's Hawk. He is trying to figure out if he is tough enough to take on your M2Z.
It's a Broad-Winged Hawk. You can tell from the tail. Three dark bands separated by white bands. Several years ago, I saw 4 of them perched on a tree near my house. (North East Massachusetts) They migrate this time of year.

Sharp-shinned & Cooper's hawk look about the same as the picture here. The subtle differences in shading of hawks makes them hard to name most of the time.
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Beautiful picture. Thank you so much for your respect of nature and not startling this beautiful bird. Pilots like yourself make us all look good with your thoughtfulness and sense of responsibility.
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