Obviously, it's a silly idea. Though I've pilot certificates out the wazoo, there's no requirement for me to have any type of pilot license to purchase an aircraft, even if I buy a 737. I sincerely doubt that a finance company would care, though I've never financed any of my aircraft purchases, so how would I know? It would be foolish to create another government bureaucracy, to regulate items that are essentially toys (excluding the MQ-9 droneTHought about this for a while. Since you cannot fly a drone in the U.S. legally now without TRUST certification should there be laws in place that require you to prove you have taken the TRUST or Part 107 before being able to purchase one? Would solve a few issues IMHO.
While you can buy a car without a license, it's actually difficult for an individual as you do need to show ID and most lenders will not finance you, nor will it be easy to register/insure it.
Guns, at least handguns, in most states require you to have a permit (which I am fine with BTW even though I am a gun rights advocate...I have no issue with stricter gun laws like better background checks and closing loopholes).
But when it comes to drones it seems to be the wild west. Can't begin to count the number of people I know who purchased a drone and when asked if they took the TRUST test or were getting their 107 looked at me like I had grown two heads.

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