Very well conceived video, lots of nice animations, must have taken quite some time to do it.
Thanks! This video took about a week in planning/shooting + another week for editing.
I've no knowledge in editing so this is the only way I tend to use it as an editing training ground...
I think this might be a good video but as a deaf person who has to read subtitles I find it rather to hard to watch.
All the animations tend to distract the eye from the text which means the meaning gets lost, try watching it with the sound off and reading the subtitles. If I concentrate on the test I miss nuances in the animation.
That is not a condemnation and being honest I wouldn't have thought of it whilst I had hearing but now that I don't.....
I am however curious, is this suggesting that "RC not connected to mobile device" is a frequent inflight problem?
I would have thought that it was more likely to 'occur' at setup and prevent a flight from occurring than for the controller/mobile-device connection to 'break' mid flight, plugs being pulled out etc. excepted.
From my own experience the biggest problem with the two warnings is that with the smallish screens of phones 'half' the blooming message doesn't show, so I get something like "RC not conn......" or "Aircraft not c.....".
Ok in the cold like of day they are unique and identifiable but at the time and in the heat of the moment......
The check I 'frequently' use it to look at the about menu, if their controller/mobile-device is broken there is no RC firmware info.
Anyhow nice work and I will try watching it again
I am sooo sorry to hear about that. I've never thought about it and from now on I will try to find a way to improvise.
I thought of editing all my video mostly in animation because when I was watching other's video before I started this channel, I find it very hard to understand sometimes as some of them talk without showing what is actually going on.
So I decided to do something different from the others and not repeating what have been done by thousand of youtubers out there. (It may not be the best or proven method to gain subscriber, like or whatever it is but I am just trying to fill in what is not being filled before and sincerely want to help the new operators to start out easy, maybe).
As for your question, I will write in respond so you can easily understand it by reading.
RC not connected to mobile device is in relation to the mobile device, remote control and cable.
In most cases i've seen reported, and also from my personal experience, it was from the cable itself that is maybe too 'fragile'. Sometime a dirty mobile device port can also cause that, or some error in mobile device system or the Fly App itself, or a rare case, the remote control port.
It could be mid-flight problem, or an initial setup problem.
Sometime an unintentionally touch on the cable or connector will also create this RC not connected to mobile device warning (in my video you can see I shake the cable connector without unplugging it to create the problem) and alot of operator assuming that it was a signal lost between the remote control and aircraft, which then lead to execution of a wrong decision making.
In most cases i've came across as well, operator assumed signal is lost, so wait for the failsafe RTH but after waited for a period of time, the aircraft never return at all, and operator decided to leave the homepoint and do a search in the last aircraft known location. (Again in my video that i've mentioned it is not recommended because by doing so, the chances of real signal lost between the remote control and aircraft will most probably occur and the aircraft fly back to the homepoint, while the operator is searching the aircraft at the last known location).
And yes the biggest problem due to the confusion is the partly message being displayed.
Your method of checking is something new, I never know about that. Wil try to check on it!