Help me find my day bag! I'm obsessed with finding the smallest carry bag possible .....the FlyMore bag not is too bad, but could be smaller and the non-removable (without cutting) shoulder strap makes it not my first choice. Lots of padding and/or cutouts aren't needed for my day bag, although dividers are good to keep everything from touching. I tried several bags already......Lowepro Adventura SH 120R II and SH 140 II, and the 120 is too small while the 140 works well for the regular controller it is not the right configuration for the Smart Controller, and with both extra batteries in the side pockets it's pretty much the same size as the FlyMore bag anyway.
If I can't find one I'll probably cut the shoulder strap off of the FlyMore bag and call it a day. ?
If I can't find one I'll probably cut the shoulder strap off of the FlyMore bag and call it a day. ?