deleted member 877
Well-Known Member
Mine finally arrived after 3 days in customs. Charged and did all my updating, two firmware updates or the remote to get to current version. Linked and took first flight and all I gotta say is yikes, here goes, this is with a mavic zoom:
Lots of signal loss errors right off the bat, some stick commands were not registering and it started doing it just feet in front on me seconds into flight, doing a pirouette and just stops half way through but im full on stick; antennas in proper position. Did a reboot, all was fine for a couple minutes, noticed it then started to lag tremendously on input commands, so much so it became unflyable. Landed, rebooted, all good again for a few minutes. Signal loss was happening every few minutes lasting a couple seconds as well as obstacle avoidance errors then the controller started beeping constantly, rebooted, all was fine again for a bit but i kept getting signal loss errors, not related to distance, was getting good signal more than a mile away at times when it just suddenly looses it for a few seconds so I came in to land and then the commands started giving huge delays again as I got close to myself, then the bird came to a full stop then just flew full speed straight ahead into a bush with me giving absolutely no input commands and obstacle avoidance turned on, im assuming it could of been a delayed lagged out command from a few seconds earlier. Birds OK, got the refresh plan, but I just dont think I want to risk using this controller again, this thing has got some serious issues and they dont seem to be android or app related.
If I was a member of the Early Adopters club I would say "Welcome" to you. Hoping DJI can iron out the bugs ASAP.