Yes, a lot have been covered in other threads... not trying to duplicate, but spoke personally to FAA rep at the CES show. What I got from the conversation was the following:
1) As many suspected, this was not written by the FAA, but rather by the "Big Boys" of future drone delivery services. The FAA apparently had very little to do with the writing of this proposal. (I tried to actually pin the guy down about this and make him actually say it and when pressed he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled).
2) The Big Boys are apparently not concerned too much with the recreational flyer, least of all anyone that will not be buying a new drone (or ANY r/c aircraft) that does not have transponder capabilities.
3) He said, and emphasised, this is the current PROPOSAL and if the public desires changes then the public NEEDS TO COMMENT.
4) This system (hardware wise) WILL NOT be implemented by the FAA, but rather they are "leaving it to the industry to figure out".... meaning the frequencies used, how information will be tracked, how to implement on the aircraft, all of that. (To me this means they are leaving it up to, again, the BIG PLAYERS to decide what is "best" for all).
My two main concerns after my conversation:
1) What about ALL my other aircraft, meaning sail planes, 3D electric stunt planes, ANY previous models with no way to add a transponder.The guy acted as if they had not even thought of that, it was like all they are thinking about is all the new (drones) sold in the FUTURE. I said if a transponder is to be added to EVERY R/C aircraft it better weigh and cost next to nothing... and said "Hey, if you could develop something like that, you'd do well!"
2) Also many, MANY flyers do not fly at a sanctioned AMA field or have any type of wifi, cellular or other worldly connection (Yes, out here in the west there are thousands of square miles that no connection of any kind is possible). I fly extremely remote areas all the time.
The crunch is on, I suggest you make your comments as loud, clear and concise as possible. They really need to be flooded if public comment is going to mean anything!
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One the plus side: 18 months for industry to get it figured out, 3 years to implement.
After flying r/c for over 40 years.... this is, well, a potential big change to the ENTIRE industry of R/C aircraft.