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so many sad posts lately

Crashing your drone is one thing, but losing it is something else entirely.

As I see it, flying over land and not caring about VLOS, is probably the biggest reason for a lost drone.

By always having the drone in VLOS, you can save it if you make a mistake, or there is a technical error that causes it to crash...........

No wonder commercial pilots need up to 8 years of experience before they can drive the big carts.
Its not really years that you should measure, it is hours. A pilot who has been flying for 8 years but only flew say, 10 hours each year, is no where near as good or experienced a pilot as one that has only flown a year but amassed 600 hours. Just an example, that's why it is important if you ever get a chance to go for a flight with a pilot, to ask how long he has been flying, how many hours he has total and how many he has flown in the past four months or past three weeks, to establish his competence level.

Same thing with a low time pilot. When I used to teach flying, I would tell new pilots that it does not matter how many hours you have in those first few months, because hours in the sky alone, do not teach you too much or give you that much experience. As an example if you have two new pilots with equal hours under their belts, lets say 30 hours, you need to find out more info from each as to what they did in those hours.

One may have 30 hours with ten take offs and landings. The other may have 30 hours with 180 take offs and landings logged. In general, that pilot who had the 180 take offs and landings, will probably be the better pilot because he took the time and effort to practice the most import thing for a new pilot, his take offs and landings. It is fairly easy to just steer around the sky, most of you non real pilots could do it with little effort. The skill to develop as a new low time pilot, is the difficult part of a flight, the take off and landing of the aircraft, at various times of the day, which would be giving you different conditions to have to work in.

New pilots are often ( Mod Removed Language)bent on building hours to start with, thinking having more hours early on will make them better pilots. Yes more hours early on will make them better pilots but only if those hours were spent practicing take offs and landings, going over emergency procedures during those take offs and landings. Hours cruising through the sky don't do much to improve a pilot's skill level, they just build time in the seat doing the easy part of a flight, steering it around the sky and most anyone can do that.
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I like flying the mavic 2 to learning to ski on the then new shaped or parabolic skis when they came out.The skis automatically made you a better skier but beyond your initial experience level,you really needed to learn the how tos, before you got yourself in trouble,the same goes for the mavic 2, very easy and stable with GPS but trees and the rules you need to understand.Mavic 2 is a great little machine.
Not quite true, those new skis did NOT automatically make you a better skier as you have stated, all they did was allowed the ski to turn easier under your feet, when compared to the old style longer and narrower cut ski you had prior to that. So, yes you could do a quicker turn with less effort, but if your weight was not where it should be and your body position was not where it should be, you were still a crap skier, just standing on skis that could turn more quickly with less effort.

You might as well give a similar analogy with cars and a driver. You have a driver who has been driving his old fiat 500 or Yugo, or old Ford Comet for years. He jumps in a new Porsche 911, he suddenly is now automatically a better driver right? ( Mod Removed Language) no, he is still the same driver, but he is now sitting in a car that will enable him to drive incredibly fast and stop very quickly and corner fantastically, so performing 1000% better than his old car, but... BUT, only if his skill level is equal to the vehicle he is driving in, that being that new Porsche 911. He does not automatically become a better driver just because he is in a super vehicle.

He must now acquire the the skill to utilize what that Porsche can deliver. Even if he was a great driver in his old car, he would still be no where near the same driver in the new Porsche because that car will drive far differently than his old car did. Therefore, he will need to get to know how that new car/drone/ski handles, and get practice with it before he can really appreciate and use the performance the newly acquired item has the potential to offer him.
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Sorry, more ignorance surfacing. What do your acronyms stand for please?
CFI - will be some fancy flying certificate not applicable to Great Britain I would expect.

No problem, these are usually only known (but not limited to) to pilots who fly a sit in aircraft, rather than fly from the ground type.

POH is a Pilot's Operating Handbook (things you need to know about the aircraft you are sitting in)
CFI is a Chief Flying Instructor (or certificated or certified) the one who teaches you how to fly the aircraft you might be sitting in. All depends where you look for a definition.
FAR is Federal Aviation Regulations which basically are mandates that control all things aviation.
Hope that helps you.
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I spent some time earlier in the year and went through every thread noting a single line of what the cause of the crash was and then summarised the data which I've attached.
Attached graphic was tiny and blurred, but I've seen it somewhere here before so don't worry about that. The "pilot error" was too vague to be useful to me. Thanks anyway
Beware DJI SuperPatcher!
It promised many new features for my Phantom 4 Pro. What I got was a completely unstable GPS system that caused my Phantom to lose it's location and fly away to some unknown location on the FIRST test flight.
I admit to using a few mods in the past. This one is a CMD Line scripts that puts together a bunch of mods written by different people and NOT the SuperPatcher author (I was unaware at the time).
I only have myself to blame for trying this free script. I advise others not to make the same mistake unless they have $1000's to throw away. Also consider the danger or your Phantom landing / falling in some unknown location.
Reading through a lot of posts, watching an awful lot of the set up, beginner tips, top 10 things before you fly and several other hints, tips and tricks from the pros, I have to say my first flight with my MA2 was incredibly successful, at times I did become overwhelmed and extremely nervous, just launched the RTH button and before I knew it, she was on her way back.
Love this thing. Can't wait to hit the back country roads on my Harley with the "Follow Me" mode set.
Attached graphic was tiny and blurred, but I've seen it somewhere here before so don't worry about that. The "pilot error" was too vague to be useful to me. Thanks anyway
I'm not sure why the forum software is doing that but here's the original version:

It breaks down the pilot error into several main categories most of the crashes fall into, this is the original spreadsheet I worked with to note the cause of each crash with a bit more detail:

this is the original spreadsheet I worked with to note the cause of each crash with a bit more detail:

Now THAT is useful! Thank you! ?
I've tried to put accidents into context by taking all the reasons and sorting them. Comments welcome:

AC moved before takeoff, magnetic problem​
Accidental water landing​
Battery failure​
Battery not secured​
Cheap props, disintegrated​
Collision during activetrack​
Collision during RTH​
Collision in intelligent flight mode​
Collision in quickshot mode​
Collision with bridge​
Collision with building​
Collision with fence​
Collision with mountain​
Collision with powerline​
Collision with rock​
Collision with tree​
Collision with tree and landed in water​
Collision with tree during automated mission​
Collision with tree in quickshot mode​
Collision with wall​
Compass error​
Compass problem​
Crashed flying indoors​
Crashed into bridge​
Crashed into water​
Descended into water​
Drone disappeared​
Dropped by child​
Faulty battery​
Fell from sky​
Fighting RTH​
Flew with no GPS reception​
Flown amongst buildings, lost signal​
Flying at long range/lost signal​
Flying inside cave, collision​
Genuine flyaway​
Hardware failure​
Hardware failure causing drone to fall​
Ice formed on props​
IMU problem​
IMU/yaw problem​
Incorrect route plan​
Incorrect RTH settings​
Indoors crash​
Landed during RTH​
Landed in water​
Landed out of range due to low battery​
Low battery caused autoland crash​
Low battery, collision during autoland​
Low battery/landing error​
Magnetic/GPS problems​
Mid-air impact​
Motor failure​
No GPS/collision​
No GPS/take off problem​
Poor GPS reception/collision​
Possible battery disconnect​
Possible battery problem​
Possible compass error​
Possible FC failure​
Possible IMU failure​
Possible mid-air collision or prop problem​
Possible problem with rear motor​
Possible propulsion problem​
Possibly incorrectly installed battery​
Problem with props​
Prop incorrectly attached​
Propulsion problem​
Ran out of power​
RTH against setting sun​
RTH at long range​
RTH collision​
RTH control issue​
Simulator fault​
Spun out of control​
Take off with magnetic interference​
Takeoff on metal​
Too close to the ground in sports mode​
Took off from boat​
Took off with low battery/collision​
Took off without GPS lock​
Uncommanded descent​
Variety of possible problems​
VPS descent problem​
VPS problem over water​
Winds too high​
Winds too high/flying too high​
Yaw error​
Yaw problem​
  • Like
Reactions: Tony Weller
Seen another way:
28 Winds too high
27 Collision with tree
13 Uncommanded descent
12 Fell from sky
11 Collision with building
11 Collision
5 Compass error
4 RTH collision
4 IMU problem
3 No GPS
3 Motor failure
3 Landed in water
3 Collision during activetrack
3 Accidental water landing
2 Took off from boat
2 Take off with magnetic interference
2 Ran out of power
2 Prop incorrectly attached
2 Possible battery problem
2 Possible FC failure
2 Incorrect RTH settings
2 Compass problem
2 Collision with rock
2 Collision with mountain
1 Yaw problem
1 Yaw error
1 Winds too high/flying too high
1 Variety of possible problems
1 VPS problem over water
1 VPS descent problem
1 Took off without GPS lock
1 Took off with low battery/collision
1 Too close to the ground in sports mode
1 Takeoff on metal
1 Spun out of control
1 Simulator fault
1 RTH control issue
1 RTH at long range
1 RTH against setting sun
1 Propulsion problem
1 Problem with props
1 Possibly incorrectly installed battery
1 Possible propulsion problem
1 Possible problem with rear motor
1 Possible mid-air collision or prop problem
1 Possible compass error
1 Possible battery disconnect
1 Possible IMU failure
1 Poor GPS reception/collision
1 No GPS/take off problem
1 No GPS/collision
1 Mid-air impact
1 Magnetic/GPS problems
1 Low battery/landing error
1 Low battery, collision during autoland
1 Low battery caused autoland crash
1 Landed out of range due to low battery
1 Landed during RTH
1 Indoors crash
1 Incorrect route plan
1 Ice formed on props
1 IMU/yaw problem
1 Hardware failure causing drone to fall
1 Hardware failure
1 Genuine flyaway
1 Flying inside cave, collision
1 Flying at long range/lost signal
1 Flown amongst buildings, lost signal
1 Flew with no GPS reception
1 Fighting RTH
1 Faulty battery
1 Dropped by child
1 Drone disappeared
1 Descended into water
1 Crashed into water
1 Crashed into bridge
1 Crashed flying indoors
1 Collision with wall
1 Collision with tree in quickshot mode
1 Collision with tree during automated mission
1 Collision with tree and landed in water
1 Collision with powerline
1 Collision with fence
1 Collision with bridge
1 Collision in quickshot mode
1 Collision in intelligent flight mode
1 Collision during RTH
1 Cheap props, disintegrated
1 Battery not secured
1 Battery failure
1 AC moved before takeoff, magnetic problem
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Sorry, more ignorance surfacing. What do your acronyms stand for please?
CFI - will be some fancy flying certificate not applicable to Great Britain I would expect.


Apologies. You are correct that CFI is Certificated Flight Instructor. (Why they had to say “Certificated” when “Certified” would do just as well is beyond me...)

POH = Pilot’s Operating Handbook. It’s the User Manual for the plane. About as exciting as the manual for your car, but a lot more important to know inside and out...

FAR = Federal Aviation Regulations. Essential to keep up on this to avoid accidental infractions. (Also good for that wobbly table leg or for use as a sleep aid....)
  • Haha
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By far the most frequent is User Error.
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No problem, these are usually only known (but not limited to) to pilots who fly a sit in aircraft, rather than fly from the ground type.

POH is a Pilot's Operating Handbook (things you need to know about the aircraft you are sitting in)
CFI is a Chief Flying Instructor (or certificated or certified) the one who teaches you how to fly the aircraft you might be sitting in. All depends where you look for a definition.
FAR is Federal Aviation Regulations which basically are mandates that control all things aviation.
Hope that helps you.

Indeed it does, thank you because I was trying to work out how it applied to drone flying!

I do keep a sort of log, for no other reason than force of habit from boating and to refer back to. I have no aspiration to be a professional drone pilot. General ignorance can only be lessened by learning new things!
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I watched all the videos on the DJI website, and every video I could find on YouTube before taking delivery of my first drone. Set up went very quickly, and there weren't many surprises learning to fly because I knew what to expect. I have serious withdrawals when I can't fly due to inclement weather!
The number of posts relating to catastrophic results bothered me for awhile until I started seeing the analysis of the incidents. While sad, I find it very helpful not to make every mistake myself. No tutorial that I have seen gives me. Experience is the best teacher.
Unfortunately, experience is what we obtain just after it was needed. I have a friend who is a marine. He bought a mini on my advice. Against my advice, however, he flew in the house without prop guards on. So, I don't need to tell you what happened or that he approached me , head hanging low, and said, "I should have listened to you". I should have given him an order. He would have followed that for sure.
It's all to easy to become excited and overlook little things. That's why pilots have pre-flight check lists.
I am 54 and still get excited too. You should see all of the INCREDIBLE footage that I DO NOT have because in my haste to get that footage, I forgot to turn on the video.
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Unfortunately, experience is what we obtain just after it was needed. I have a friend who is a marine. He bought a mini on my advice. Against my advice, however, he flew in the house without prop guards on. So, I don't need to tell you what happened or that he approached me , head hanging low, and said, "I should have listened to you". I should have given him an order. He would have followed that for sure.
It's all to easy to become excited and overlook little things. That's why pilots have pre-flight check lists.
I am 54 and still get excited too. You should see all of the INCREDIVBLE footage that I DO NOT have because in my haste to get that footage, I forgot to turn on the video.
Starting the camera is my number one OoooPs move. Go through the check list. Revisit all indicators. All systems go! And in the end, no video, lol. It's like the word aggregate. I can never remember it when I want to use it. Only algorithm will come to mind. Those are the things that happen at 67. Something to look forward to?
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Starting the camera is my number one OoooPs move. Go through the check list. Revisit all indicators. All systems go! And in the end, no video, lol. It's like the word aggregate. I can never remember it when I want to use it. Only algorithm will come to mind. Those are the things that happen at 67. Something to look forward to?

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