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So whats up with Assistant Beta 112?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2016
It seems everyone says to use Beta 112 but I have used the latest version and tried one or two things and had the same results. So is 112 really needed and why?

No, AFAIK the use of beta dates from before final was released. For some reason some keep thinking that particular one is needed becasue that's what the people said they were using instead of 1.1.0.
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I did some checking and the one thing that is notable is that the F9 and F10 stuff is not in the newer versions. It's funny that the old version so easily goes into developer mode.

I did some checking and the one thing that is notable is that the F9 and F10 stuff is not in the newer versions. It's funny that the old version so easily goes into developer mode.


No editing of the java file required. A small difference, but when it comes to DMCA, C&D and other take-down requests, all the difference in the world.
No editing of the java file required. A small difference, but when it comes to DMCA, C&D and other take-down requests, all the difference in the world.
Not so fast, adiru... where did you get it? Did you agree to DJI's terms and conditions for installing and using the Beta version? Did you obtain it with DJI's permission?

If not (i.e. you did not obtain it as a participant in a beta program or from a general public release beta), then you are still in hot water.
Not so fast, adiru... where did you get it? Did you agree to DJI's terms and conditions for installing and using the Beta version? Did you obtain it with DJI's permission?

If not (i.e. you did not obtain it as a participant in a beta program or from a general public release beta), then you are still in hot water.

Yeah I got a C&D from DJI the other day... this is why I acquiesced and asked the mods to take down that thread that I started.

I also apologized to DJI's top attorney for making fun of him on my website that I posted.

And in general for my criticism of DJI as a whole.

They did not take kindly to my attempts of rebuttal, including stating the true fact that I obtained the DJI Assistant Beta 1.1.2 as a zip package that someone else had posted/uploaded and already linked to, and thus I did not have to "install" or "click to agree" or "read" or otherwise "bypass" any "EULA" or disclaimer screen of any sort etc and thus I reasonably believed from a legal standpoint that I was free and clear from any said such obligations and terms. And thus no extraneous "consent" of use was required. However DJI did not go along with this interpretation of mine and insisted

They also correctly pointed out that I should not be sharing VM's with Microsoft's Windows 7 os without their approval or DJI could let Microsoft know and give them a heads up. They told me although the software (DJI Assistant Beta 1.1.2) was publicly available for download, and altough in that VM implementation indeed no java file was changed (apparently they downloaded my VM and scrutinized it) that I was not expressly given permission by DJI to share previous versions of the firmware (to wit: .400) with the general public nor to "redistribute" the DJI Assistant Beta 1.1.2 as a whole. Whether as a file or packaged within a VM.

Digdat0 also vouluntererily deleted his youtube video that showed the VM method and redacted all links.

DJI told me that as long as I keep my end of the bargain that "at this time" they have not decided to pursue further legal action.

for the record:
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Yeah, not trying to be a d*ck or anything, just looking out for you, really. Everyone, keep in mind that DJI Assistant 2 is DJI's Intellectual Property, so if you obtain it in any way other than from DJI, without their approval, you are not entitled to use it. Be very careful with this stuff, folks.
Sorry folks, I'm from Germany, my english is not very good and I do not understand everything here.
For the moment, i'm using V 1.1.2-2 (the official one I think).
This one forces me to connect my modded mavic to the internet (login).
What's about the Beta....should I use that? Do I have to login, or does that one works offline?
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DJI told me that as long as I keep my end of the bargain that "at this time" they have not decided to pursue further legal action.

That is legal speak for we don't have a strong case, so we will try bulling instead.
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Sorry folks, I'm from Germany, my english is not very good and I do not understand everything here.
For the moment, i'm using V 1.1.2-2 (the official one I think).
This one forces me to connect my modded mavic to the internet (login).
What's about the Beta....should I use that? Do I have to login, or does that one works offline?

Any version works offline. I never log in when messing with it.

Isn't this the same C&D that no one can see? That article came out and they asked to see it and Adiru couldn't produce it.

I personally don't believe it. It's more likely that Microsoft would say something than DJI.
Isn't this the same C&D that no one can see? That article came out and they asked to see it and Adiru couldn't produce it.

I personally don't believe it. It's more likely that Microsoft would say something than DJI.

Yeah well the story I had heard from him was totally different so I am very confused.

Yeah well the story I had heard from him was totally different so I am very confused.


That article mentioned him specifically. Then made mention that he couldn't come with any proof.

The version of Windows and Assistant 2 are all free versions anyway. I don't see the legal side of this at all.

I've setup several VM's with windows as a tester. My boot camp on Mac has a free version of windows 10.

Everyone is so Dramatic.
The version of Windows and Assistant 2 are all free versions anyway. I don't see the legal side of this at all.
The legal side has to do with redistribution, which is prohibited.
Everyone is so Dramatic.
No... some of us just aren't as willing as you to level such a serious charge of bald-faced, blatant lying against another without some solid proof.

Your opinion of @adiru, whatever it is, is not proof of anything. Nor is absence of something (the C&D for the article author) proof of anything. That's the point: It isn't proof of anything, right?

So, until I have reason to believe he is lying, I'll continue to extend him the same courtesy I expect from others here, and extend to you as well: I'll basically believe in his veracity when presenting any plausible personal account of events in his life, until I have some reason not to, and that reason must meet a high standard.

Calling someone a liar is a nasty thing to do. You'd better be right.
112 was required for a specific mod. I think it was permanent FCC versus CE output on the remote instead of doing it within app. I will have to go back and watch Digdat0's videos as one specific setting required that specific version.

To someone that said DJI's software is their intellectual property, that is true, but if they released it into the public free of charge and royalties via a license, many court cases have concluded that you can copy it freely. I seem to recall Oracle using that same argument to stop the spread of Java a while back vs Google, but since the court concluded that they gave it away free, they had no right to expect royalties or control of the software.

Of course I am not a layer, but this had prior precedent for sure.
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