Sadly not so useful, beyond confirming that the executable was definitely packed (which we already know).DIE gave me some intresting results when scanning the map where I saved all files.
Code:G:\rev eng\DJI FCC\djifcc.exe 917 msec MSDOS PE64 Linker: Microsoft Linker(14.33)[Console64,console] G:\rev eng\DJI FCC\libusb0.dll 108 msec MSDOS PE64 Compiler: Microsoft Visual C/C++(2005) Linker: Microsoft Linker(8.0 or 11.0)[DLL64,signed] Overlay: Binary Certificate: WinAuth(2.0)[PKCS #7] audio: Jochen Hippel's module (.HIP) G:\rev eng\DJI FCC\Pass DJI fcc.txt 42 msec Binary Format: plain text G:\rev eng\DJI FCC\readme.txt 42 msec Binary Format: plain text
It reveals only that it is a Console Application for Win64 (64 bit Windows).
The DLL is actually a general USB Library used by many different applications, compiled in Microsoft C++ (and legitimately signed to prove its authenticity)
Thus far, we have extracted (I believe) ALL of the files that are downloaded each time the executable was run while the server was functioning.
I've also managed to extract from the binary the ADB commands executed to push the modified Android packages to the DJI RC.
I've also managed to obtain the Device Keys for my DJI RC (which I believe are actually device-specific)
However, my attempts to authenticate ADB so that I can push the files have, thus far, all failed.