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Sport Mode vs normal mode.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
I have a question for those that use sport mode frequently. I have watched numerous videos where the MP is flown a long distance. On the return trip the MP is either in sport mode or switched to sport mode to speed up the return flight due to low battery reserves. If the MP is flown at high speeds, there is a higher rate of power consumption, plus there is a large amount of drag on the MP itself. I wonder if the MP was flown at it's default speed in normal mode, there might be more battery power left near the end of the flight.
I wonder if anyone has found this to be true?-Don J
Every aircraft has a maximum efficiency cruise speed where if you go faster or slower the efficiency decreases. I have read somewhere that for the MP it is around 35 km hr (that’s air speed, not ground speed). I have set my return to home speed if failsafe kicks in.
I rarely fly my mav to the limits of endurance nor have I personally done any testing so can’t confirm this speed as fact. But for my purposes, I’m happy to go with it.
How and where did you set your Return To Home speed? I don't think you can control this.
You certainly can, but it takes some software tweaking that isn’t permitted to be discussed here.
I have done testing in this area. I found that 35kph is the most efficient. The 32 kph that the P mode allows is almost as good and has the advantage of being consistent. To fly wide open in sport mode reduces the distance per battery by about 37%. Only use sport mode if you need to deal with a headwind.
Every aircraft has a maximum efficiency cruise speed where if you go faster or slower the efficiency decreases. I have read somewhere that for the MP it is around 35 km hr (that’s air speed, not ground speed). I have set my return to home speed if failsafe kicks in.
I rarely fly my mav to the limits of endurance nor have I personally done any testing so can’t confirm this speed as fact. But for my purposes, I’m happy to go with it.

Thanks for the feedback.

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