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State Farm insurance

The State Farm policy is amazing!
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If you file a PAP claim, it will get recorded on your Lexis Nexus/Choicepoint record. That is the company that provides risk ratings to insurers - much like Equifax does for credit scores. That means a single claim will follow you when you re-up for your homeowner's insurance.

The SF agent in Orlando I questioned said that such a claim will all but guarantee you will no longer qualify for the best rates - especially if you shop around at renewal.

Unlike refresh, which is independent of LN/CP, having a claim will have lasting effects on your risk rating. Just something to keep in mind. There is no free lunch.
I put in a request for a personal articles policy and received the below message from the agent. I think it’s still better than the DJI care because it covers lost and stolen. What do you guys think.
Thanks Jesse

They change the rates on the personal articles policies & I quoted you wrong it would be about $125.00 for the year.

Good luck, if/when you need to use it, State Farm will most likely drop you (known from experience)
As long as the pay up then that’s their choice. I hope to never have to use it but have DJI care plus as well. Better safe than sorry.
Anyone know if they will issue a PAP policy if I pick up a used Drone like a Mavic Pro ?

New or used it shouldn't matter. New replacement cost is what the insurance is for. As long as it is fully functional (not already crashed) when you insure it. I believe you can set a $ amount when you get the policy, because you are also covering accessories with the same policy.
I agree , found this
The insured drone must be used for hobby or recreational purposes.
f. The unit must weigh less than 55 pounds to be eligible for coverage and to be considered for recreational / hobby use.
g. A copy of the actual purchase documents must be submitted with the PAP application.
h. Information on the brand and model of the drone and related components is required

I'm wondering a G. receipt , I guess a could right up a proof of purchase on a legal pad and have the seller sign it. Maybe I would need to take the drone into the insurance office and show them the drone.
I submitted the receipt for the brand new Mavic Pro and what I paid for it. Nice thing is that if I need to claim they cut me a check for the cost of brand new minus depreciation. Since you are buying of have bought used then they would only provide payment for the cost that you paid at time of purchase minus depreciation.
Didn't read the full thread, but here's some info if it hasn't been posted already.

$60 / year is the minimum premium for a PAP policy. So even though the cost to insure something might be less than $ get bumped to $60 if that's the only item on the PAP. Now...this applies for most states. I can't say definitively if that's for all states as every state has different rules/laws/premiums, etc. Regardless, whatever state you're in, there will be a set dollar figure per $100. So let's say it's $5 per $100 of liability/coverage in your state. That's $50 on a $1,000 drone. But, you'd pay $60 as that's the minimum premium on the policy.

Putting in a PAP claim is a claim. It goes on your record. Enough of those and you will be non-renewed. Also, it shows as a "fire loss". So, even though it's not a homeowners insurance claim, if you go switch your homeowners to a different insurance company they'll see a fire claim and it will likely count against you (just like having a homeowners claim). Not necessarily, as all insurance companies treat claims differently...but it's possible.

*"Fire" is the line of insurance (homeowners, umbrella policies, PAP policies, etc...fall under "fire"), it doesn't specifically mean a fire occurred.

So, use your State Farm or DJI appropriately. DJI will be more expensive, but isn't any sort of insurance claim on your record. State Farm is better/cheaper coverage, but it's a claim. So as someone posted on the first page, it's good to maybe use one or the other depending on your specific circumstance. Too many people are all too happy/quick to submit claims for the smallest things, and then forget that that mark on your Carfax means you'll lose more in the end instead of paying that small amount out of pocket to fix something (for example, regarding car insurance).

Most PAP policies are written with no deductible...but you can have a deductible for a small amount of savings on the premium.
I put in a request for a personal articles policy and received the below message from the agent. I think it’s still better than the DJI care because it covers lost and stolen. What do you guys think.
Thanks Jesse

They change the rates on the personal articles policies & I quoted you wrong it would be about $125.00 for the year.

I live in New Jersey and have 4 drones covered under State Farm. 112.00 for the year. I have no other insurance with them. I have had one claim for an Inspire 1. They gave me total cost as in batteries, RC and Drone. Whatever is on the Receipt you provide as proof of purchase. DJI refresh just covers the Drone (I am guessing, Please correct if I am wrong) If you can get regular insurance I see DJI refresh as a waste of time and effort.
Yes DJI Care Refresh covers the drone itself and one can look forward to "possibly" receiving a refurbished model of the same type. That sounds like a great deal right <sarcasm>
Good luck, if/when you need to use it, State Farm will most likely drop you (known from experience)
I have my drones covered under the State Farm personal articals policy. Crashed my drone, they paid immediately without hoops to jump through. They have not dropped me, and I have since the claim, added 2 more drones and other equipment to the policy.
It must be different for different areas or States. Last Friday I purchased a policy with State Farm for M2P, radio, batteries and CrystalSky. All for $60.00 a year and no deductible. The agent say it would be covered even it it got flushed down the stool. That sounds pretty reassuring to me. I don'e know how you could beat it.
Just got quoted $75/year with a $100 deductible. Based in Miami, Florida. I’ve seen most people quoted $60 but with zero deductible. Anybody else been quoted a $100 deductible?
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