I followed up with an actual SF agent (one that issued several policies in Orlando to users on the DJI forums). I asked her for (and received) permission to post her comments. Here's her latest:
A personal articles policy (PAP) policy is considered a “fire” policy. Under the fire category is home, PAP, and inland marine policies. If there is a claim on any of these policies, it is recorded in Lexus Nexus and does affect your future rating if you intend to get any of those policies started as new business.
With State Farm (I can’t speak for other companies) if you do a PAP claim during a time where you have an existing home policy, it will not affect your rate. As I mentioned before, however, if you start a new home policy, it does have the potential to affect that.
Any claim on any property policy could be considered during underwriting for rating purposes by any carrier, so it’s no different than having an auto claim and then shopping your auto policy after.
So, if you're the kind of person that stays loyal to your home/auto insurer, and you have no intention of 'shopping' for best rates, then a loss claim on the MP would likely NOT affect your rates. However, if you change to a new insurer after having filed a claim, then it likely WILL affect your rates as the new insurer won't have the history and confidence in your risk profile.
Bottom line: There is no free lunch.