I finished repairing my MP yet again.
This time one of the gimbal plate rubbers broke. Decided to replace the whole thing since others would likely soon follow.
But of course you have to disassemble the entire craft to do it properly.
Got it all back together and launched the craft just to hover at 15 feet. Got a message saying I needed to recalibrate the collision sensors.
Did that using DJI Assistant 2..
Sent the bird up again and did a gimbal cal and adjustment since it seemed out of whack.
Shut down DJI and fired up Litchi. Loaded a quick waypoint mission and sent her off.
About 2 minutes into the flight I saw a message pop up and rapidly disappear that looked like "_____ cable to center board failure"
I didn't catch which cable and I'm paraphrasing the rest as it disappeared that fast. Lost signal about that time and feared the worst but then got my signal back when it returned.
I just wanted to fill in completely the sequence of events.
How do I find out what the message said?
I tried the standard procedures but iTunes says Litchi has no shared files much less a flight log.
I looked at the AirData record and it just showed the signal disconnect but nothing else.
DJI Assistant of course is useless.
I'm all ears if anyone recognizes the message or can tell me where to find a log.
This time one of the gimbal plate rubbers broke. Decided to replace the whole thing since others would likely soon follow.
But of course you have to disassemble the entire craft to do it properly.
Got it all back together and launched the craft just to hover at 15 feet. Got a message saying I needed to recalibrate the collision sensors.
Did that using DJI Assistant 2..
Sent the bird up again and did a gimbal cal and adjustment since it seemed out of whack.
Shut down DJI and fired up Litchi. Loaded a quick waypoint mission and sent her off.
About 2 minutes into the flight I saw a message pop up and rapidly disappear that looked like "_____ cable to center board failure"
I didn't catch which cable and I'm paraphrasing the rest as it disappeared that fast. Lost signal about that time and feared the worst but then got my signal back when it returned.
I just wanted to fill in completely the sequence of events.
How do I find out what the message said?
I tried the standard procedures but iTunes says Litchi has no shared files much less a flight log.
I looked at the AirData record and it just showed the signal disconnect but nothing else.
DJI Assistant of course is useless.
I'm all ears if anyone recognizes the message or can tell me where to find a log.