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Survey sent by DJI China points to Mavic Pro's future


Nov 1, 2016
Beijing, China

Today I got a survey from DJI in Chinese that might be pointing to the future of the Mavic. The whole survey (in Chinese, 27 questions), revolved mainly on asking what would be the interest in personalization options for the Mavic. For example, would you be interested:

- If at the time of purchase there was the option to customize your Mavic with you own uploaded design, adding 1000-1500RMB to the price / or / choose a from a selection of designs from DJI adding 500-1000RMB to the price
- If you could choose the color of the Mavic prior do buying it / and what colors would you like?
- If you could replace different parts of the shell by pieces of different design or color
- If they released a propeller guard in the price range of 80-120RMB
- If they released a version of the Mavic without obstacle avoidance sensors, for 10-15% cheaper

Other questions included:

- How important is the 4K resolution capabilities for you?
- Do you prefers Mavics or Phantom 4's FOV (78.8 vs 94)?
- How much do you use Mobile Phone Wifi to control your Mavic?
- When using the drone, how far do you usually go?
- How often do you use each of Mavic's intelligent modes?
- If DJI were to release a simples version of the DJI GO app, would you prefer it to be integrated in the current one or to be a standalone app?
- Also some questions about VR interests

Just found it interesting, it seems reasonable that they would go in the direction of customization and personalization of the Mavic, and it seems they are willing to simplify the Mavic in relation to the Phantom in order to make the price lower....

Did anyone got an English version as well?
At first read of the survey, I thought, "wow DJI really cares about what we think and what we want from their products by offering us these wonderful new choices." After reading it again, I realized that they are working on the next generation of Mavic without still having fulfilled the September 2016 orders that have been paid for. They supposedly have 1500 engineers in China, and maybe they would be better served taking some of those engineers, sticking them on the production line, and getting orders filled instead of thinking about the next generation of Mavic and how they are going to ask us to prepay for it then make us wait 4 months for delivery, lying all the way.

If I had one wish in terms of drones, it would be that GoPro comes out with a Mavic Killer and reintroduces us to the term, "Good customer service" and where 3-5 days shipping really means 3-5 days shipping. But DJI has such momentum in the industry, they would do anything to quash Gopro. I digress. Time for my coffee.
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Sounds to me like they want to see interest in a watered down version for 599.00 or so.
If they remove some of the more expensive attributes/. hardware with a simple RC then goal accomplished.
Id respond the other way, let them put a better sensor with 100MBs transfer rate, the 84-94 FOV
and a reworked lens element to stop the crazy flaring and charge 200.00 more. its the best selling drone in history by a long shot.
Make it BETTER, not cheaper! Just my opinion.
I agree, they can offer a cheaper version (maybe skip the Pro on the name), but for all means keep and improve the original version....
At first read of the survey, I thought, "wow DJI really cares about what we think and what we want from their products by offering us these wonderful new choices." After reading it again, I realized that they are working on the next generation of Mavic without still having fulfilled the September 2016 orders that have been paid for. They supposedly have 1500 engineers in China, and maybe they would be better served taking some of those engineers, sticking them on the production line, and getting orders filled instead of thinking about the next generation of Mavic and how they are going to ask us to prepay for it then make us wait 4 months for delivery, lying all the way.

If I had one wish in terms of drones, it would be that GoPro comes out with a Mavic Killer and reintroduces us to the term, "Good customer service" and where 3-5 days shipping really means 3-5 days shipping. But DJI has such momentum in the industry, they would do anything to quash Gopro. I digress. Time for my coffee.

the production doesn't have anything to do with development!
yes, they should pump up production, but it would be a mistake to halt development all together... these can and should run separately....
What ever happened to the "Mavic Only" where they were gonna sell the Mav by itself without remote, and fly by wifi for $799?
the production doesn't have anything to do with development!
yes, they should pump up production, but it would be a mistake to halt development all together... these can and should run separately....

But development has everything to do with production for most companies with the exception of DJI. Why design, dream up, or advertise a design and then not be able to fulfill? Design and production should run harmoniously together, not one so far ahead of another.
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Interesting. I guess they've seen the money we're all spending on skins and customisation and they want in on it :D

They could definitely remove the Wifi option as far as I'm concerned. I don't think I will ever even bother to try it.
Theres so much freaking lens flare on the Mavic its ridiculous. They need to upgrade the lens elements to deal with this. They need to fix the orig. before asking questions about personalizing it.......
I've received 3 different surveys about the Mavic so far. Got one today but a different one, the one you got I received a few weeks ago. Today's one did ask about the popularity of the WiFi mode :)
Some people won't be satisfied no matter what. If DJI listens, they criticize. If DJI don't, they attack all the same.

If DJI rush out the Mavic, they complain about unethical commercial and marketing practices. Or underdevelopment and recurrent issues, or something else. If they take their time and slow down, it's all "DJI can't fulfill orders fast enough" or whatever.

So, DJI, if you're listening: just do your stuff. Pay attention (I'm sure you are), but knowing there are many of us who understand and like what you do, the way you do.

And competition: try harder, we want to see you guys really competing and giving DJI a run for their money - but with good products, not crazy promises, crazy prices and features no one wants. As it is now, I'm sorry but you're way behind.
I read it the same way that they are looking at a lower cost alternative. My guess is that at $ 999 we will see a $ 699 and $ 1199 Mavic portfolio in the future. Fix up our beloved Mavvies a bit more (resolution/issues) and up the price to where it probably should be anyway yet have something that has a similar look and feel but pared down in features.

It is definitely annoying to see them working on the new stuff when they still struggle to deliver the existing stuff !!
I don't see how DJI working on future projects could possibly be a disappointing thing. If they don't keep the product line fresh their business will suffer. That's pretty plain and simple. Obviously their current manufacturing/billing/CS departments need some work, but the folks doing R&D and the like are in a totally different department and have no effect on the current state of affairs.

I'd definitely be interested in a version without obstacle avoidance. I've found it to be more of a nuisance than a help thus far.

And it would appear they have already released a new set of prop guards. They are expensive and require different props, but if you need such a thing they seem like a pretty solid design. They also released the Advanced Charging Hub, which also works with the Phantom 4 charger. I bought that immediately.
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By the way it's dji not DJI.

No, it's DJI. Take a look at the writing on the DJI website and you'll see they capitalize it as well. The lowercase is just for the logo design.
Of course not one question addressing whether you'd rather have a Mavic with a properly functioning gimbal and good camera. *eyeroll*

As for the rest, I would absolutely have preferred a $600 Mavic with no OA, no WiFi, wider FOV, and a camera that only did 2.7k but actually recorded colors and movement smoothly and accurately. Bring that out and I'll sell my Mavic in a heartbeat. I've never used WiFi and my OA is turned off 100% of the time that a flight mode isn't forcing me into using it. The 4k compression is miserable and camera quality is too poor to even bother with it anyway, so I'm always shooting in 2.7k.
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Surveys like this don't come from anyone involved in designing or producing the product. They come from marketing departments. Trust me, you don't want the marketing department on the production line...
Surveys like this don't come from anyone involved in designing or producing the product. They come from marketing departments. Trust me, you don't want the marketing department on the production line...

Im not being inflammatory, but how do you suppose the marketing department came up with this survey of what it thinks we Mavic owners want?? Who did they ask to come up with these questions?

And I definitely would want the marketers spending some time on the production and distribution line, and they should spend some time in the accounting department too, to see how easy it is to design a product but how difficult it seems to be to fulfill their designs.
Coming up with questions like this is exactly what marketing departments do. They aren't typically just involved in advertising the finished products, in tech companies it is often the marketing department that dreams up new functionalities and product configurations before even talking to us poor techies who have to make it all work ;)
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