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Swipe to Land RC only


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2016
So I start a WPT mission with Litchi or DJIGo4. For whatever reason the app stops responding. Aircraft is back at home point Landing. It descends and hovers at 4' off the ground. If either app was running and connected a menu pops up saying swipe or tap to "confirm Landing". Because I have no app running I cannot confirm. Full down stick does nothing. On android, restarting apps or reconnecting USB does not restore them. So RC only.

How do I Land?

Ended up grabbing Mavic with one hand, it then applies climb power. I issue CSC command using a spare thumb on one joystick and the other in my mouth. Works but not ideal.

Didnt think to try it, but the Pause key perhaps? Any ideas.
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Force Kill either App within Andriod- Settings - Apps - Force Kill. Clear Cache . Then restart app. Try that and let me know if sucessful.

Its a tricky question ! I love the twister approach to a CSC . Really paints a vivid picture in ones mind
But i was sure in this instance holding the left stick down for 3 seconds does land the drone ? I have seen this posted before and you must keep the left stick still as and movement resetes the 3 second timer.
I had the left stick pegged down for maybe 20 seconds with no action. I had been running in Litchi which stopped responding some time after signal loss. It never reconnected even after the RC did. So eventually I killed it. Pulled & replugged the usb and tried starting DJIGO4, which launched but would not connect. Perhaps going in to app manager and forcing stop of litchi may have enable DJIGo4 to connect. But I am not in a position to test & let you know because ideally I do not want to revisit the situation.

Had my hands full at the time and was really looking for a better method to force the AC to land using only the RC. Essentially the Litchi app had done its job with the Mavic dutifully flying a 9km route around my farm. At the final waypoint on my front lawn it was programmed to land, which it dutifully tried to do. But was thwarted by the damned ground sensor at about 4'. At RTH battery, had I not been there it would have climbed 300' totally unnecessarily and headed to the RTH point, which for some other weird reason had moved some distance away mid mission without me telling it to do so.

Had to have two goes at the twister approach as initially I tried down inside Corner to no avail. Down outwards it was ;-)

Just looking in Litchi, I had Collision Avoidance Off so no false alarms to stop it mid route. But Vision Positioning System was on. My guess is if I had turned that off it may have completed the Autoland instead of hovering at 4' above Landing point prompting for a YES to land here. Will try that next time.
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This is helpful for those of us that might encounter similar issues. I believe that Force Killing the App would unload all traces from memory and allow you to perform and ":Authentic" Launch of the App - Either Litchi or DJI Go 4.
Yeah good point. Handy to have a set of procedures to recover a unusual situation like this.

I ran another short Litchi WPT mission this time with Vision Positioning System Off and it did complete the auto-land hands off after a brief pause to give me chance to cancel if required. May have worked like this on the flight when Litchi locked up and crashed too.

On reflection I think the answer to my original question might be Litchi specific (and pilot error) even though all I had was the RC left. Had I simply thought to toggle the Sports mode switch On, I expect it would have cancelled any Litchi directed program that the Mavic was executing and put back fully manual, allowing me to land..

Will have to add that to my checklist. So much to remember with this machine..
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