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Taking flight for the first time as a Part 107 Pilot question.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2019
Naples FL
First time flyer here, so bear with me. Finally got my 107 certificate after passing my test last Mon... i have a real estate shoot, that's not too far from a class D airport. Using Airmap it shows a ceiling of 200ft. I have a red advisory that's confusing me a little. The authorization requests show 'Rules you are violating' Do not fly in Class D controlled airspace without ATC authorization. Which i thought Airmap did for you. I clicked fly and the hour countdown is going. But the authorization requests show 'No airspace authorization is available'

What are you supposed to do ? I think what its telling me is my local airport doesn't have anyone on hand to give authorization. Being i'm in class D i need to keep under 200ft. which i know. Anyway, what's the deal here.
Is the class D airport using LAANC now or is it just proposed. The number of airports are expanding but those that haven't completed LAANC setup are showing a grid on the apps as if they were operational. Check with the FAA website and see if the airport is an active LAANC airport, if not you would have to apply for clearance through the website.
If the airport is part of LAANC you will get almost immediate reply (approve or deny). It's not a person/people sitting there waiting to review and approve. It's an automated system and if your request meets all of the approval criteria you get approved. If not it gets denied.

If the airport isn't part of LAANC then you submit your request through DroneZone and it could take days or weeks to get your answer.

You do not fly without the actual approval even only a few feet off the ground. There are no "allowances" etc in that respect.
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If the airport is part of LAANC you will get almost immediate reply (approve or deny). It's not a person/people sitting there waiting to review and approve. It's an automated system and if your request meets all of the approval criteria you get approved. If not it gets denied.

If the airport isn't part of LAANC then you submit your request through DroneZone and it could take days or weeks to get your answer.

You do not fly without the actual approval even only a few feet off the ground. There are no "allowances" etc in that respect.

So are you saying for people that sell their homes in class D airspace, who's airports do not have LAANC, then the drone operator has to apply via the FAA website and that it can take days? Because when the realtors employing drone operators need a shoot done, they need it done that day, not in a few days. So how are they getting around waiting days? I see you can add a frequency to the website, are they just creating a general flight area, as in well i could be taking pics any time and any day during the next month, so here's my request.. How are they getting around using their drones for commercial purposes when there's no LAANC ?
So are you saying for people that sell their homes in class D airspace, who's airports do not have LAANC, then the drone operator has to apply via the FAA website and that it can take days? Because when the realtors employing drone operators need a shoot done, they need it done that day, not in a few days. So how are they getting around waiting days? I see you can add a frequency to the website, are they just creating a general flight area, as in well i could be taking pics any time and any day during the next month, so here's my request.. How are they getting around using their drones for commercial purposes when there's no LAANC ?

You plan well in advance and get approvals for the areas you work in. It’s not a fly by the seat of your pants endeavor.

No authorization no flight period!
BigAl07 is absolutely authorization - no flight, period! Neither the FAA nor the airport operator near your site cares about a real estate salesman's timetable. The purpose of LAANC or authorization through DroneZone is flight safety for manned aircraft and the general public not for the profit of any individual or enterprise. Bottom line, before you take the job, investigate the area, find out what the controlling airspace is, any clearances that may be needed and how to get them. There is no dishonor in telling a client you can't do a job, there not the one that will be in Federal Court facing heavy fines or something worse.
BigAl07 is absolutely authorization - no flight, period! Neither the FAA nor the airport operator near your site cares about a real estate salesman's timetable. The purpose of LAANC or authorization through DroneZone is flight safety for manned aircraft and the general public not for the profit of any individual or enterprise. Bottom line, before you take the job, investigate the area, find out what the controlling airspace is, any clearances that may be needed and how to get them. There is no dishonor in telling a client you can't do a job, there not the one that will be in Federal Court facing heavy fines or something worse.

I get it. My intention is to do things properly. Its just no-one is talking about what you need to do. Anyway i think i have it figured out. I have my request in with the FAA to fly in the town i live for business purposes. I can fly outside the class D in the meantime, while i await authorization. Thanks for your help.
@MavPro72 you're doing right by asking and not assuming.

I think these links may be helpful for you going forward:
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I am in the same situation - Class D no LAANC. I applied for authorization via DroneZone and much to my surprise I received a phone call from FAA the day after applying. The lady I spoke with was most pleasant and being that this was my fisrt ever application explained the whole process to me. Not only did she take the time to explain it she then approved my request starting that same day and give me a wide coverage (the whole Class D area) authorization she also extended my request our for a year. I had applied for real estate photography flights. If you have not joined the CommercialDronePilots forums I suggest you do so, a lot of good info there.

Below I have attached a copy of my post in CommercialDronePilots to give you an idea of what your requirements may be given. Hope this helps

I needed to fly in controlled class D airspace near CEF (Westover Air Reserve Base). This airport does not participate in LAANC so my only option was DroneZone. I have never applied for authorization before.Yesterday I applied for the authorization. I have read that it may take a while to get the authorization approved. Based on that I requested a start date of 12/7/19 with an ending date of 3/31/20 and flights limited to 75' AGL and 1/10 mile radius from my launch point
Much to my surprise I received a call from the FAA this morning. The representative I spoke with said after reviewing my application they made the following changes.
1. Start date is today's date 12/4/19
2. End date is 12/03/21
3. Wide spread authorization - covers the entire controlled airspace for CEF.

They also listed the below Special Provisions.

My questions:
Is it unusual to get authorization this quick ?
Are these special provisions pretty typical, especially the one concerning direct two way radio communication and emailing the day prior?

As always thanks in advance for your replies.

a. This Certificate of Waiver or Authorization and the Special Provisions shall be in effect between civil sunrise and civil sunset local time.
b. This airspace authorization does not relieve the remote pilots from the responsibility to check the airspace they are operating in and comply with all restrictions that may be present in accordance with see 14 CFR 107.45 and 107.49 (a)(2), such as restricted and Prohibited Airspace, Temporary Flight Restrictions, etc.
c. This authorization does not give permission to enter the Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR), Special Security Instruction (SSI) that overlies Westover Air Reserve Base. Location and contact information for the TFR SSI is depicted on the FAA website: Legacy UAS Data Delivery System. Proponent must request permission and receive authorization via the contacts listed on the website prior to entering the TFR SSI.
d. To prevent sUAS contact with Special VFR (SVFR) operations, sUAS operations are not authorized when there is a ceiling of less than 1,000 feet AGL and/or visibility less than three (3) statute miles without specific authorization from CEF ATCT. These requests will be considered on a caseby-case basis.
e. If this authorization was granted using UAS Facility Map altitudes, prior to each operation the proponent must verify the current altitude allowed by the CEF UAS Facility Map for the requested flight area. UAS Facility Maps are published at Legacy UAS Data Delivery System
f. Photographing and/or video recording military installations or equipment without obtaining permission from the installation commanding officer is prohibited by Federal Law.
g. CEF ATCT/Base Operations may deny, terminate, restrict, or delay UAS flight operations covered by this authorization at any time.

a. UAS PIC must email CEF ATCT at [email protected] the day prior to flying operations and provide the following:
(1) COA number
(2) Primary telephone number of the pilot in command.
(3) Schedule of flight (time and duration)
(4) Location where flight will occur (coordinate and radius)
(5) Altitude
(6) Verify current weather (ceiling/visibility)
(7) Communication requirements

b. If UAS PIC does not receive an email response before date of UAS flight operations, the Proponent shall contact CEF ATCT at 413-557-2916 to confirm approval.
c. UAS PIC may be required to maintain direct two-way radio communication with ATC, and if required must comply. When necessary, the ATC frequency will be provided to operator during the ATC coordination prior to flight.
d. UAS PIC shall notify CEF ATCT immediately upon completion of UAS flight operations at 413-557-2916.

4. EMERGENCY/CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES - Lost Link/Lost Communications Procedures:
a. If the UAS loses communications or loses its GPS signal, the UA must return to a pre-determined location within the operating area and land.
b. The PIC must abort the flight in the event of unpredicted obstacles or emergencies.
I am in the same situation - Class D no LAANC. I applied for authorization via DroneZone and much to my surprise I received a phone call from FAA the day after applying. The lady I spoke with was most pleasant and being that this was my fisrt ever application explained the whole process to me. Not only did she take the time to explain it she then approved my request starting that same day and give me a wide coverage (the whole Class D area) authorization she also extended my request our for a year. I had applied for real estate photography flights. If you have not joined the CommercialDronePilots forums I suggest you do so, a lot of good info there.

Below I have attached a copy of my post in CommercialDronePilots to give you an idea of what your requirements may be given. Hope this helps

I needed to fly in controlled class D airspace near CEF (Westover Air Reserve Base). This airport does not participate in LAANC so my only option was DroneZone. I have never applied for authorization before.Yesterday I applied for the authorization. I have read that it may take a while to get the authorization approved. Based on that I requested a start date of 12/7/19 with an ending date of 3/31/20 and flights limited to 75' AGL and 1/10 mile radius from my launch point
Much to my surprise I received a call from the FAA this morning. The representative I spoke with said after reviewing my application they made the following changes.
1. Start date is today's date 12/4/19
2. End date is 12/03/21
3. Wide spread authorization - covers the entire controlled airspace for CEF.

They also listed the below Special Provisions.

My questions:
Is it unusual to get authorization this quick ?
Are these special provisions pretty typical, especially the one concerning direct two way radio communication and emailing the day prior?

As always thanks in advance for your replies.

a. This Certificate of Waiver or Authorization and the Special Provisions shall be in effect between civil sunrise and civil sunset local time.
b. This airspace authorization does not relieve the remote pilots from the responsibility to check the airspace they are operating in and comply with all restrictions that may be present in accordance with see 14 CFR 107.45 and 107.49 (a)(2), such as restricted and Prohibited Airspace, Temporary Flight Restrictions, etc.
c. This authorization does not give permission to enter the Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR), Special Security Instruction (SSI) that overlies Westover Air Reserve Base. Location and contact information for the TFR SSI is depicted on the FAA website: Legacy UAS Data Delivery System. Proponent must request permission and receive authorization via the contacts listed on the website prior to entering the TFR SSI.
d. To prevent sUAS contact with Special VFR (SVFR) operations, sUAS operations are not authorized when there is a ceiling of less than 1,000 feet AGL and/or visibility less than three (3) statute miles without specific authorization from CEF ATCT. These requests will be considered on a caseby-case basis.
e. If this authorization was granted using UAS Facility Map altitudes, prior to each operation the proponent must verify the current altitude allowed by the CEF UAS Facility Map for the requested flight area. UAS Facility Maps are published at Legacy UAS Data Delivery System
f. Photographing and/or video recording military installations or equipment without obtaining permission from the installation commanding officer is prohibited by Federal Law.
g. CEF ATCT/Base Operations may deny, terminate, restrict, or delay UAS flight operations covered by this authorization at any time.

a. UAS PIC must email CEF ATCT at [email protected] the day prior to flying operations and provide the following:
(1) COA number
(2) Primary telephone number of the pilot in command.
(3) Schedule of flight (time and duration)
(4) Location where flight will occur (coordinate and radius)
(5) Altitude
(6) Verify current weather (ceiling/visibility)
(7) Communication requirements

b. If UAS PIC does not receive an email response before date of UAS flight operations, the Proponent shall contact CEF ATCT at 413-557-2916 to confirm approval.
c. UAS PIC may be required to maintain direct two-way radio communication with ATC, and if required must comply. When necessary, the ATC frequency will be provided to operator during the ATC coordination prior to flight.
d. UAS PIC shall notify CEF ATCT immediately upon completion of UAS flight operations at 413-557-2916.

4. EMERGENCY/CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES - Lost Link/Lost Communications Procedures:
a. If the UAS loses communications or loses its GPS signal, the UA must return to a pre-determined location within the operating area and land.
b. The PIC must abort the flight in the event of unpredicted obstacles or emergencies.

Thanks i put in a similar request to yours. Except worded it slightly different. Saying i'd like a blanket auth, giving the co-ordinates of my local class D, (which covers pretty much the entire town) saying i won't fly within a mile of the airport, for photography real estate purposes. Its certainly promising that they called you the next day. Fingers crossed i get the same response... if not, not the end of the world.... I don't exactly have a load of jobs lined up. lol . I was thinking oh well its going to be sometime in the new yr before i get a response. But at least when i do get a job, i can say yep ready to go and be legal !
OH WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! , i just checked FAA DroneZone and my application shows as approved.. Starting tomorrow ! Only applied late last night. I've not rec'd a call or anything. Just the annual blanket. I guess it was as easy as that !

Awesome. Looks like i'm good to go. Thanks all to all those that helped.
and got the email. so in answer to you mavic mac.. I guess the answer is yeah, they do answer quickly.. There was however absolutely no mention about emailing or calling in prior to flight. So i'm wondering if this is just cos you're near a military air reserve base ??? Eitherway, it seems this is even better than the LAANC system for me. 90% of of what i'll be doing will be within my local class D, so in a nutshell they've just gone ahead and said go for it.. obviously keeping away from the airport itself. That part is obvious.
Do you have insurance or is the real estate company covering you and anything that may happen?

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