Very true! If the defendant makes it clear that the prosecution is going to have to prove it's case, the charges might get dismissed before it ever goes to trial. Brilliant. Most people walk in to a speeding ticket hearing with no defense whatsoever, and their fate is sealed. The best defense is a good offense.
I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say 90% of the time the officer doesn't show up. Of the remaining 10%, I win 90% of the time. One of my favorite citations (that I had framed and display proudly on my living room wall) was when a "plain clothes" officer in a "plain clothes" police car tailgated me @ 2:00 AM. The citations he gave me were for speeding (55 in a 40) and running a red light. I beat both. The red light citation was dismissed in Metropolitan Court, but I had to escalate the speeding citation to District Court, where I won. According to N.M. statute, drivers must remain a "safe and prudent distance" behind the cars in front of them. I cited the "2 Mississippi" rule of thumb, which the judge agreed with. My argument was that I felt threatened on my motorcycle @ 2:AM with the unmarked cop car right up my butt. I explained that the cop was < "1 Mississippi" behind me, and that the only reason I was speeding was to create a safe "2 Mississippi" buffer zone. The judge asked the cop, "Were you a safe and prudent distance behind the defendant?" The cop mumbled something. The judge declared, "Case dismissed!"
The reason the red light citation was so easy to beat was because the sensor in the oncoming turning lane was malfunctioning, causing the light to go into what's called a "loop," which essentially means the traffic light behaves as if a car is there, even if one is not. I merely got a notarized statement from the city traffic division that asserted the traffic light was "malfunctioning." So that one was dismissed immediately in Metro Court.
This was 15 years ago. Not much has changed in the court system since then. In my youth, I averaged 4-5 citations/year, and always received a good driver discount on my insurance because none of them ever took. On those occasions I lost, I would use my "get out of jail free" card, which is to go do driver education class, which you still have to pay for, but gets you out of your points.
I honestly haven't received a citation in years. Not because I no longer speed, but probably because I've gotten *really* good at keeping an eye out for the police.
The point of this diatribe is that drone citations are no different, and, truth be told, probably *easier* to beat in court. Show up prepared. Be respectful. Dress nice. Judges LOVE that s***. Watch the defendants on Judge Judy, and do the exact opposite. HA! The plaintiffs on that show seem generally more prepared than the defendants (who wave all their rights to have their disputes settled in the Judge Judy forum). Which is probably why they never employ their right to discovery documents, is my guess. But I digress... more thing...
I'd bet dollars to doughnuts if you went to your local FSDO office and explained what happened, they would probably HELP you find the statutes you need to win. After all, you WERE compliant with FAA rules and regulations (make sure you know how close/far you're allowed to be to windmills). Specifically, you need statutes to show that the FAA - and ONLY the FAA - governs U.S. airspace. I almost envy you. I'd be chomping at the bit to fight this one in court.
And finally, if you lose in Metro Court, appeal the decision and go to District Court. I've never lost an appeal. District judges tend to be more "by the book" than their Metro Court counterparts. Unfortunately, there IS a fee to appeal, (25-50 bucks I believe), but you aren't just fighting for you. You're fighting for ALL drone operators all over the nation....<;^) YOU are the new Pirker. HA!