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That new sensor on the front of the upcoming Air 3S

Droning on and on...

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Santa Cruz, CA
What is it? As far as I've been able to find in leaks and rumors, no one knows.

Much speculation that it's a LIDAR ranging sensor, to acquire much more accurate, and high definition forward OA.

I'm guessing an alternative. Same purpose, different tech.

I think it's a 3D ToF IR ranging sensor similar to the downward sensor on the bottom, that has a usable range of 40-50ft.

Lidar modules aren't cheap (compared to IR). Also, anything lidar that would fit that form-factor is gonna be pricey. Even more, a sensor that would be superior to IR, so that it could do 100ft, would push the price up even more.

However, a true 3D IR sensing system is relatively cheap. It's an IR emitter, camera, and logic IC. Good modules can be had for a dime (exaggerating a bit).

So that's what I think is behind that smoked cover between the two OA cameras. An IR 3D ranging system, using ToF technique to measure the distance from image element to each pixel in the receiving camera, forming a 3D map of what's in front of the drone. Out to 40-50 feet.

The FOV of the camera is just right for the protective bubble around the drone, not really wide like the main camera.

The result will be the ability to detect much thinner/smaller obstacles in front, and with much more accurate data on distance than can be estimated from parallax from pairs of OA cameras.

If I'm right, the A3S is gonna be a leap forward in follow/tracking reliability, and therefore capability.
Maybe to help the drone to stop chopping trees and cables in follow me mode, which is a common problem on all drones. Although people tend to crash sideways and backwards when actively flying the drone.

In any case, if you are using follow me modes, you are doing it wrong.
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