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Pro The difference is Day & Night

Awesome job
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Reactions: Mazdaman323lx
Those flying and shooting skills of yours are something we should aspire to. Silky smooth and steady transitions. As a side note, what beautifully overbuilt and under utilized roads those are!

Obair mhaith!
Well done. Looks great!
Excellent work. You can feel the love put into making it. Also, I would love to ride a motorcycle through those interchanges!
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Reactions: MotoSavy
Excellent work. You can feel the love put into making it. Also, I would love to ride a motorcycle through those interchanges!

Yes, that would be good place to ride :)
Great job fading in the day to night transitions. Excellent video. I have been trying to do the same with an object I was circling and have never been able to get the transition where it as smooth as I would like it to be.
Great job fading in the day to night transitions. Excellent video. I have been trying to do the same with an object I was circling and have never been able to get the transition where it as smooth as I would like it to be.
Mine too , For best results I found if you fly the mission first , not recording, set your way points , save the mission , then fly that mission again but with record on . Take very close attention to the settings , meters per second etc and ensure all subsequent way point flights are using exactly the same settings. Last tip , do the first and all subsequent flights on as windless a day as possible . The wind can affect the drones ability to flow a GPS waypoint track exactly. Persevere with it , I'm sure it will work out fine for you .
Wow. Impressive. I have never done hyperlapse and waypoints but your video is spurring me on to uncharted waters. Thank you and … why does it look so much nicer at night ?
Wow. Impressive. I have never done hyperlapse and waypoints but your video is spurring me on to uncharted waters. Thank you and … why does it look so much nicer at night ?
Its those new LED lights , they give off a great white light that doesnt bleed out everywhere like the old sodium ones

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