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The great debate... Clearsky or Tablet

Making stuff up? Here's your PM and yes, my reply to tell you to **** off was pretty colorful. I'd be happy to post that too:

Really man? REALLY??? I was reading the classifieds and stumbled across this beauty.
Mavic Pro Platinum Fly More / Care Refresh w/ Accessories
You started all that crap with me and you only have like 2 hours flight time? Hahahaha that's freaking classic. I'm messaging you here because I'm not trying to call you out on the forums, but really man? Have you even used that tablet at all in your whole whopping 2 hours of flight time? You bragged and went on about how you never had a problem etc. Well no freaking wonder! You have barely even used it! Freaking trolls.

Mavflyer, Yesterday at 7:30 PM
This was what I meant by making stuff up. Show me where I posted any of this.
telling me he's stalking all my posts
now insisting that I have no right to be happy with the equipment that I have acquired so far
your point that the Ultra is the only solution on the planet
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You should really go back and read everything. I never said that you couldn't see the screen in full sun, I said I couldn't. Now this is the funny part. Because I said that I couldn't see it, you did exactly what you accused me of. You took me saying that I couldn't see it as an attack on you, but you accused me of attacking you, which never happened!
Dude, just stop. I don't give a **** about your opinion. I think you are a piece of ****. And, there's nothing else to say. I like what I have. PERIOD. Bye
I dont blame you bro. You're pretty **** mad. Your blood pressure has to be sky high. All because you confused yourself. It's actually kind of funny when you think about it. Maybe you will be able to laugh at yourself one day if you ever realize what you did
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Thanks all for the great debate.... I've decided on the CS 7.85... Now for another decision 1000nit or 2000nit....ughh. If only life was simple :)
Hey guys - a few things here...

1. No foul language or name-calling, please. Next one will go on your permanent record ;)
2. If someone here gets under your skin here, just click the "ignore" button on their profile and you'll never see a post by them again.

Thanks all for the great debate.... I've decided on the CS 7.85... Now for another decision 1000nit or 2000nit....ughh. If only life was simple :)
Out of four of us who purchased our Mavic's last year, my other three buddies didn't use the CS monitor at first. I purchased the 5" CS and was pretty satisfied with it. Switched to the 7"UB and other than the cost, I'm more than happy with it. I'm not a real tech savvy dude and had a time trying to figure out why one of my friends had so much trouble with his I-Pad but he also switched to the Crystal Sky after he borrowed the 5". Having a dedicated monitor for my MP was something I was after anyway and although I've lost connection a couple of times using the CS monitors, we all prefer the crystal sky products and would not go back. In fact none of us have had any problems with our CS monitors to date.

I've yet to actually see the CS-HB monitor in action but it's the same brightness as the 5". While sitting in shade I felt the 5" (other than the small screen) was fine. Sitting in full sun when it's hot outside is something I avoid anyway so the 1000nit screen might work OK if you're sitting in shade. When it's cold out and I want to sit in full sun, the UB wins big time. The screen does get warm though and I can't say what the UB can handle before it shuts down in hot weather. Time will tell but mine has worked well in 85 degree weather.
Thanks all for the great debate.... I've decided on the CS 7.85... Now for another decision 1000nit or 2000nit....ughh. If only life was simple :)
Good choice! Much better than other options, like say a Samsung Tab A 10.1 ;):D
I have only used the 2000 nit unit and I love it. I do have a phone that is right around 1000 nits and it works pretty well so I would imagine the 1000 nit unit is probably close to the same. Some people have had issues with the backlight(myself included) but that's what the warranty is for. After the last update it does seem to run cooler. They did say they optimized it better for handling heat and it seems to have worked. I used mine for about an hour in 90 degree weather the other day and it got hot, but not too bad. It is an incredibly bright screen and as such produces some heat.
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Easy solution + cheap and 2nd best display on the planet.... note 8 Demo has 1000+ nits for 250€ + much more functional then any display ...period.

1st best and brightest ...s9+ if demo can be found shouldn't be more then 300€ ...there now everyone can buy cheap note 8 with stunning display on the sun :)
Thanks all for the great debate.... I've decided on the CS 7.85... Now for another decision 1000nit or 2000nit....ughh. If only life was simple :)

I have the 1000nit version and love it. Saved me from hitting a wire across a river just yesterday because I could actually see it as I was approaching. I think your will find the 1000nit version near perfect and a little cheaper than the 2000nit screen.
Easy solution + cheap and 2nd best display on the planet.... note 8 Demo has 1000+ nits for 250€ + much more functional then any display ...period.

1st best and brightest ...s9+ if demo can be found shouldn't be more then 300€ ...there now everyone can buy cheap note 8 with stunning display on the sun :)
I have the s9+ and the wife has the note 8. I agree that those two phones are great. Very fast, large phones and very bright displays. If you are looking for a phone that doubles as a display for your drone, I would highly recommend either of these phones. As he said, both are 1000 nit +
Where did I insult you?

No no no...You clearly said

Those two statements are very different. You then go on to say that you are buying a shade for it. Again, if it's so great in the sun, why do you need a shade?

I have actually said very little about the ultra in this thread. My main talking points were all about the Tab A not being usable in the full sun. Very little was said about the crystalsky.

Again, totally your words, not mine. I never said that or anything remotely close to that.

Look in the mirror bud. Again, I have said very little about the crystalsky, and the reason that I did, is that the OP SPECIFICALLY ASKED ABOUT THE CRYSTALSKY. 95% of what I have said is that the Tab A isn't good in the sun. You took major offense to that and YOU acted like the fanboy, not me.
I can't help but smh after reading the thread. I use an iPad mini that works well but sure as heck isn't great! I have a sun shade that does ok under the shade of a tree, about as well as not using the sun shade under the same tree lol. The crystal sky came out right after I got my MP or I would have bought it with the original purchase. I want one I just dont like that price. To the point I can't help but smh bc the thread is asking for exactly what you gave, an opinion but there always seems to be that one person who wants to flex for whoever will look then gets butt hurt and starts a pissing match when someone elses opinion doesn't jive with their own. The tab like the iPad is a good monitor until its not, the crystal sky is designed by DJI for DJI obviously a better choice just pricey. Thats what I got out of what you were saying anyway. For the "Backyard flyer" a phone, tablet or iPad work ok but in no way shape or form do you see all the details that can be seen after that file is uploaded to the computer and watched back. All of a sudden there are all these details that werent seen during flight. I've had hawks flying around me that I never once saw from the iPad but are right there in front of my face when I watch the flight from my computer. I'd like to know if those details are visible from the crystal sky. That might make me decide to make the switch. I’d love to know how well goggles work. Does it feel like youre up there flying or is it the same as viewing from a tablet?
I can't help but smh after reading the thread. I use an iPad mini that works well but sure as heck isn't great! I have a sun shade that does ok under the shade of a tree, about as well as not using the sun shade under the same tree lol. The crystal sky came out right after I got my MP or I would have bought it with the original purchase. I want one I just dont like that price. To the point I can't help but smh bc the thread is asking for exactly what you gave, an opinion but there always seems to be that one person who wants to flex for whoever will look then gets butt hurt and starts a pissing match when someone elses opinion doesn't jive with their own. The tab like the iPad is a good monitor until its not, the crystal sky is designed by DJI for DJI obviously a better choice just pricey. Thats what I got out of what you were saying anyway. For the "Backyard flyer" a phone, tablet or iPad work ok but in no way shape or form do you see all the details that can be seen after that file is uploaded to the computer and watched back. All of a sudden there are all these details that werent seen during flight. I've had hawks flying around me that I never once saw from the iPad but are right there in front of my face when I watch the flight from my computer. I'd like to know if those details are visible from the crystal sky. That might make me decide to make the switch. I’d love to know how well goggles work. Does it feel like youre up there flying or is it the same as viewing from a tablet?
The crystalsky does allow you to see much more than a phone or tablet. It won't be nearly as good as the 4k file that you see on your computer, but you will see much more than what you see on a phone. And yes you can see birds flying and things like that pretty easily. I started flying on an s7, didn't even know about the crystalsky at the time, but I knew I needed something better than that. I was afraid to fly low because I knew I wouldn't see small objects that I might hit. I already had a tablet, the Samsung Tab A 10.1 and decided to try it, and it was okay. It was still hard to see in the sun. I bought a shade for it, but that made a marginal improvement. I then bought some moverio bt-300 glasses, still wasnt wasnt what I was looking for. They were cool, but the picture wasnt that good on them either. It was better than my s7, but not enough to justify a 700 price tag. I then bought some dji goggles and they provide an excellent picture. The only problem with those is that they are big and bulky and you can't see anything around you when you fly. They definitely become warm and humid and uncomfortable to wear on a hot day. I then decided to try out the crystalsky ultra. It is pretty darn good. No matter how bright it is, you can see the screen very well. It does get warm on hot days, so there is that to deal with. I am no longer afraid to fly low at all. I have been having quite a bit of fun lately flying through trees and things like that, now that I have the confidence to do so. I recently bought an s9+ which has a very bright screen, one of the brightest on the market for a phone at around 1000 nits. Would I have bought the crystalsky if I had this phone at the time? Probably. It's a tough call, but I think I would have ended up wanting something larger. If you want to know anything more in particular, just ask.
Hey all,

About to pull the trigger on a new screen. I have read many threads on the comparison of the two. My simple question is , Is there a tablet I can use in full sun with out a shade ?

I use the CS 5". It's ~$600 when you include the mount and charger. At first I made my own mount, then later conceded to buy one from DJI. It's simple and compact. For me, tablets are just too clunky with all the paraphernalia.

I bought CS for two reasons, visibility and battery. I had to restrict flying to morning and evening. At my age, my eyes ain't what they used to be. That's for shooting pics and video where I need to see the framing. I once tried putting a black towel over my head and controller. It really helps but, there goes the line of sight! The other problem is my phone's battery life. Since I max out the screen brightness, my phone will at best survive thru 2, almost 3 Mavic batteries. The controller's battery can last thru maybe 4 Mav batteries, but as it dies, it tries to charge with power from the phone. There are options to use portable power. I just want to keep it simple.

I have never seen my CS run out of power, even over multiple days of use. I have used CS with my portable fish finder (wi-fi), fishing most of the day across multiple days, without charging.

One thing taken off the CONS list is Litchi, now available from Amazon's android store for CS. The whole problem was Googles licensing software. Buy Litchi from Amazon, all is well. Sorry, I don't know anything about Apple.

Well, the cost is the big one.
Internet, I can save maps in advance, but not satellite graphics, unless I pay Verizon $40/mon to extend wifi from my phone. This is mostly true for tablets too.
I still can't use it as an external hdmi monitor for cameras and other video sources, although DJI has said it will be possible later. Right.
I have worked in the electronic display industry for nearly 50 years, dating back to when LCDs didn't yet work at room temperature. That said let me provide some opinion on the issues of picking a good display. The ideal display would be a reflective or transflective color display. The 2nd best choice is to blast so much light through a transmissive LCD that it overpowers the sun that is impinging on the screen. CrystalSky is doing the latter and they get away with charging so much because there is currently no good reflective or transflective color display on the market. A fair price is whatever the market will bear. I expect that they are making a decent margin, but they deserve to earn that since they sell so few. Would they sell a lot more if they dropped the price in half? Perhaps, but I expect they have done the pricing analysis and decided not to do that.

So are there good reflective displays? Yes, but not that are commercially available or that do color video. The EInk display used in a Kindle ereader is superb in direct sunlight, but it does neither color not video. Sharp had some fine reflective and transflective color LCDs that they sold to Garmin for use in navs and fishfinders. They even put reflective displays in notebook displays for Dell and their own private label, but the color never looked as good as a transmissive LCD, so not very many of these were sold. JDI in Japan also tried to market a reflective LCD, but other than one smart watch, they never got much traction. Qualcomm developed a different type of Mirasol reflective paper like display that used an interference effect, but the color was not that good and it too had little commercial traction, was never scaled to larger diagonals and eventually was shut down.

There are other approaches to reflective color displays that are being pursued. The primary drivers for this are wearables for small sizes and eSchoolbooks for 9.7" and larger sizes. If this technology continues to make progress we may see some displays that would work for our drone application, possibly in about 2 years, but then it would need to be integrated into a monitor or tablet that could support our applicatons. Fo r the near term it is either a very bright Crystalsky or a decent sunshade.
I have the Crystalsky Ultra. It ended the frustration regarding monitors - phone/tab. I've not had a single issue, and the batteries last a long time. I like to put it on a tripod as it is heavy to hold for 20+ minutes.
However, you only need it during bright daylight. The best light for aerial imagery is during the blue hour and the golden hour. At those times of day, a 500 nit or less monitor will work just fine, and be lighter to mount on the RC.
If I were to go back though, I would only use iphone/ipad as my experience with Android (other than CS) has been far less successful than that with ios.
One less often discussed benefit of the CS is the quality of monitor for playback; especially on site.
Oh wow...I've just been reading that it isn't compatible. I'm a newbie droner but have quickly found out how difficult it can be to fly in the sun using my iPhone 10. Can someone please walk me through setting up my new man air with the crystal sky? Which size? Do I still need a hood? Which mount? Will it still work exactly the same as flying using my iPhone...will I still use my iPhone along with the crystal monitor?
I have worked in the electronic display industry for nearly 50 years, dating back to when LCDs didn't yet work at room temperature. That said let me provide some opinion on the issues of picking a good display. The ideal display would be a reflective or transflective color display. The 2nd best choice is to blast so much light through a transmissive LCD that it overpowers the sun that is impinging on the screen. CrystalSky is doing the latter and they get away with charging so much because there is currently no good reflective or transflective color display on the market. A fair price is whatever the market will bear. I expect that they are making a decent margin, but they deserve to earn that since they sell so few. Would they sell a lot more if they dropped the price in half? Perhaps, but I expect they have done the pricing analysis and decided not to do that.

So are there good reflective displays? Yes, but not that are commercially available or that do color video. The EInk display used in a Kindle ereader is superb in direct sunlight, but it does neither color not video. Sharp had some fine reflective and transflective color LCDs that they sold to Garmin for use in navs and fishfinders. They even put reflective displays in notebook displays for Dell and their own private label, but the color never looked as good as a transmissive LCD, so not very many of these were sold. JDI in Japan also tried to market a reflective LCD, but other than one smart watch, they never got much traction. Qualcomm developed a different type of Mirasol reflective paper like display that used an interference effect, but the color was not that good and it too had little commercial traction, was never scaled to larger diagonals and eventually was shut down.

There are other approaches to reflective color displays that are being pursued. The primary drivers for this are wearables for small sizes and eSchoolbooks for 9.7" and larger sizes. If this technology continues to make progress we may see some displays that would work for our drone application, possibly in about 2 years, but then it would need to be integrated into a monitor or tablet that could support our applicatons. Fo r the near term it is either a very bright Crystalsky or a decent sunshade.

I still have my Cassiopea Pocket Pc from the 90's. Transreflective color screen looked best in full sun!
The crystalsky does allow you to see much more than a phone or tablet. It won't be nearly as good as the 4k file that you see on your computer, but you will see much more than what you see on a phone. And yes you can see birds flying and things like that pretty easily. I started flying on an s7, didn't even know about the crystalsky at the time, but I knew I needed something better than that. I was afraid to fly low because I knew I wouldn't see small objects that I might hit. I already had a tablet, the Samsung Tab A 10.1 and decided to try it, and it was okay. It was still hard to see in the sun. I bought a shade for it, but that made a marginal improvement. I then bought some moverio bt-300 glasses, still wasnt wasnt what I was looking for. They were cool, but the picture wasnt that good on them either. It was better than my s7, but not enough to justify a 700 price tag. I then bought some dji goggles and they provide an excellent picture. The only problem with those is that they are big and bulky and you can't see anything around you when you fly. They definitely become warm and humid and uncomfortable to wear on a hot day. I then decided to try out the crystalsky ultra. It is pretty darn good. No matter how bright it is, you can see the screen very well. It does get warm on hot days, so there is that to deal with. I am no longer afraid to fly low at all. I have been having quite a bit of fun lately flying through trees and things like that, now that I have the confidence to do so. I recently bought an s9+ which has a very bright screen, one of the brightest on the market for a phone at around 1000 nits. Would I have bought the crystalsky if I had this phone at the time? Probably. It's a tough call, but I think I would have ended up wanting something larger. If you want to know anything more in particular, just ask.
So the goggles are good but the CS is better is what im taking from that. I didn't think about the hot days making the goggles not comfortable to wear but it makes complete sense now that you say it. So again just to be 100% clear, the CS can be seen no matter how much direct sunlight the day gives? Other than the price what are the actual draw backs bc price is a factor with everything so that doesnt count to me. Also is it more worth while to get the larger of the two? Again other than cost any good and bad are appreciated.

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