It's called BumsNDrones
5000+ subscribers on Youtube
622k followers on Instagram
It's very rare that something online pisses me off enough to even bother hitting a report button cuz the internet is a cess pool and I guess I'm numb to it but Jesus ******* Christ does this ever disgust me. I wonder how many reports Youtube and IG would have to get before they'd take this **** down. I mean this pretty much has to be illegal right?
5000+ subscribers on Youtube
622k followers on Instagram
It's very rare that something online pisses me off enough to even bother hitting a report button cuz the internet is a cess pool and I guess I'm numb to it but Jesus ******* Christ does this ever disgust me. I wonder how many reports Youtube and IG would have to get before they'd take this **** down. I mean this pretty much has to be illegal right?