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Time Wasting Whales


Active Member
Feb 19, 2024
I have a couple of video questions i'm hoping people can help me with in order to improve my very ordinary whale videography.
I upgraded from an Air2s to a MP3 in order to get better quality. Currently i'm struggling with
  1. Blown highlights in video footage. I'm in D-Log and MP4 and use manual settings ( like i do exclusively in my stills camera). I just cant find a happy medium between water and water erupting even at -3 exp.value.
  2. Is it my imagination or is the x7 zoom really unstable? It seems to accentuate any little movement of the drone.
  3. Is it my imagination or is the resolution better at the x3 zoom? Better to crop in in post then?
  4. How tight do you set your pitch and yaw? I just cant find smooth and tight-ish settings and wonder if it's the x7 zoom or the wind or both?
  5. Do the video settings change between normal and sport or are they generic across those settings? i'm choosing to shoot as high a quality and best frame rate possible so translate to decent footage.
  6. i'm still an IMovie lover after 25yrs - is this to my detriment?

Happy to hear any technical information you have and here is 2.5 mins of a pair of Time Wasting Whales today off Sydney with all it's flaws. Many thanks.

Time Wasting Whales
As a photographer you should know that any telephoto lens is very unstable and usually requires a tripod imagine putting the same lens on a moving drone !!!! remember it is not a true tele X7 it is a crop from the centre of the image. hth Mike. ps i have just got into flying drones but i have been a photographer for many years .
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As a photographer you should know that any telephoto lens is very unstable and usually requires a tripod imagine putting the same lens on a moving drone !!!! remember it is not a true tele X7 it is a crop from the centre of the image.
The OP is talking about the Mavic 3 pro which has three separate cameras.


With two telephoto cameras, there's no need for any cropping to achieve this range.

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1. Turbulent water is foamily white and reflective, so of course it is a bit more challenging to film and get the exposure right for, especially if the rest of it is quite dark and deep. There will be a middle ground that works OK for both, but the best hint I can give you is that it is better to underexpose everything (can be rescued in edit) than to blow anything out (which can't be fixed later).

2. 7 times zoom essentially magnifies the movement of your drone by that amount in the footage. Big zooms on drones (even optical ones) are always compromised because of this basic fact. Fine for stills, or for pilot feedback, but I wouldn't bother filming stuff that is maximally zoomed.

3. Set your expo to be very slow and gradual in both Cine and Normal Mode, and ultra responsive and fast in Sport Mode - then you have the best of both worlds covered.

4. I'll leave No 4 to people that actually have that craft...

5. Nope - video settings are entirely independent of flight mode.

6. Well nothing's as good as DaVinci Resolve ! You'd have to watch several of the many in-depth overviews of that software to work out if it's £269 good (spoiler; it is), which is what the full version costs, and you need that to process H.265 10 bit files.
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  1. Blown highlights in video footage. I'm in D-Log and MP4 and use manual settings ( like i do exclusively in my stills camera). I just cant find a happy medium between water and water erupting even at -3 exp.value.
  2. Is it my imagination or is the x7 zoom really unstable? It seems to accentuate any little movement of the drone.
I'm assuming that you mean Mavic 3 Pro when you say MP3.

The 7x lens and camera are no less stable. But they do enlarge the image, and the motion in the image, seven times compared to the 1X. A certain about of yaw or pitch by the drone or the gimbal results in seven times as much movement within the frame with the 7X.
  1. Is it my imagination or is the resolution better at the x3 zoom? Better to crop in in post then?
The 3X camera does have a larger sensor and better image quality, and the 1X camera is better than the 3X. Shooting at the native focal length is better than cropping to seven from the 3X camera.
  1. How tight do you set your pitch and yaw? I just cant find smooth and tight-ish settings and wonder if it's the x7 zoom or the wind or both?
If you're over-controlling, change to lower values. You might also try adjusting the EXPO settings to allow smoother easing in and out of control changes.
  1. Do the video settings change between normal and sport or are they generic across those settings? i'm choosing to shoot as high a quality and best frame rate possible so translate to decent footage.
No, they/re constant from one flight mode to another.

When shooting video and stills of Whale Sharks over the Gulf of Mexico to support a tagging operation, we ran into the same problem with white sea foam, boat hulls, and fish bellies being blown out. We were using good Sony video cams and Nikon cameras and telephoto lenses from a Cessna 182 at low altitude.

I enjoyed your video. The word "frolicking" came to mind.
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  • Blown highlights in video footage. I'm in D-Log and MP4 and use manual settings ( like i do exclusively in my stills camera). I just cant find a happy medium between water and water erupting even at -3 exp.value.
The contrast between dark whales and white water is too much in bright sunlight.
Try shooting on overcast days.
As you can't change exposure quickly enough, perhaps auto exposure might help too?
  • Is it my imagination or is the x7 zoom really unstable? It seems to accentuate any little movement of the drone.
None of the lenses are zoom lenses.
The long tele is quite stable, but will magnify any movement x 7 so you should be very gentle on the sticks and/or use Cine Mode.
  • Is it my imagination or is the resolution better at the x3 zoom? Better to crop in in post then?
What's better resolution?
The resolution for both tele cameras is the same at 3840×2160
  • How tight do you set your pitch and yaw? I just cant find smooth and tight-ish settings and wonder if it's the x7 zoom or the wind or both?
Not sure what you mean about setting pitch and yaw.
Your long tele camera is quite stable in wind.
If your drone is making jerky moves, that is magnified by the tele lenses.
Turn off obstacle avoidance and experiment with Exp and braking sensitivity.
  • Do the video settings change between normal and sport or are they generic across those settings?
The camera settings are independent for each camera, but don't change when you change flight modes.
But the speed of the drone's yaw movement will change.
1. Turbulent water is foamily white and reflective, so of course it is a bit more challenging to film and get the exposure right for, especially if the rest of it is quite dark and deep. There will be a middle ground that works OK for both, but the best hint I can give you is that it is better to underexpose everything (can be rescued in edit) than to blow anything out (which can't be fixed later).

2. 7 times zoom essentially magnifies the movement of your drone by that amount in the footage. Big zooms on drones (even optical ones) are always compromised because of this basic fact. Fine for stills, or for pilot feedback, but I wouldn't bother filming stuff that is maximally zoomed.

3. Set your expo to be very slow and gradual in both Cine and Normal Mode, and ultra responsive and fast in Sport Mode - then you have the best of both worlds covered.

4. I'll leave No 4 to people that actually have that craft...

5. Nope - video settings are entirely independent of flight mode.

6. Well nothing's as good as DaVinci Resolve ! You'd have to watch several of the many in-depth overviews of that software to work out if it's £269 good (spoiler; it is), which is what the full version costs, and you need that to process H.265 10 bit files.
Thank you . Lots of good info for me to consider there. Generally i expose to the right in my stills camera with wildlife, but already i've noticed that d-log on the drone gives me more dynamic range to work with.

Whale footage is difficult to capture whilst obeying local distance laws. I get that many people push the envelope so to speak to get clean clear shots but can see a huge difference in the quality in doing so. I'll go back to not using the zoom so diligently i think!
Cheers to Da vinci Resolve - I just wish i could use Photoshop really. :)
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