The following contains some basic information I put together for my grandson when he first started to fly. These basics are points that new pilots should be aware of before taking off. I’m sure other experienced pilots will want to add to this list and that is welcomed. (I want to keep it simple, however, and not turn into a Part 107 course. Remember who our readers are.)
To my grandson:
The following are some things I’ve learned through experience, by reading the DJI Mavic forum, and especially reading the threads where mini’s have been lost (we learn by other’s mistakes). If you absorb these points, you have a good chance of keeping your drone and flying safely.
To my grandson:
The following are some things I’ve learned through experience, by reading the DJI Mavic forum, and especially reading the threads where mini’s have been lost (we learn by other’s mistakes). If you absorb these points, you have a good chance of keeping your drone and flying safely.
- Always check your UAV forecast to see how windy it is at 200 feet. I wouldn’t fly above 20-22mph wind gusts with the mini1. UAV is a free app.
- Always make sure your ”return to home” setting is high enough to avoid trees, powerlines, and houses. Don’t set it unnecessarily high though because it’s more windy the higher up you go.
- If the wind is approaching 20mph, fly into the wind so that if it becomes too strong for the mini, at least it will be blown back toward you on the return to home.
- Always start with a full battery and try to land with 25% battery.
- If you get in trouble with the wind, do not use the “return to home” feature as it will only fly in P mode that way. Rather, use S (sport) mode and fly it manually back to you as low as safely possible (there’s less wind low).
- Do not fly it low over water as the water confuses the downward facing sensors. If you have to do an extended flight below 20 feet above the water, put tape over the downward facing sensors so they do not get confused by the water.
- Do not take off or land in a dusty environment. Rather, learn to take off and land from your hand or, better yet, put down a pad to keep the dirt from getting into the motors. If using your hand, use extreme caution as those propellers will cut you badly! Watch uTube videos on this technique!
- Do not fly in rain, fog, or snow, as moisture does not mix well with the delicate electronics. This is somewhat controversial.
- In order for your camera to keep the exposure correct, once you get airborne, tilt the camera down until there is no sky visible and then lock the exposure. At this point you can angle the camera any way you want and the exposure should remain correct. If you turn the bird around and the exposure is off, just redo this process. This is the simple method, there are more sophisticated and complicated methods of controlling exposure for you to learn later.
- Be sensitive about people‘s privacy. They often get freaked out by a drone flying too low over their house and they might beat you with a stick. Even at 200’, people can hear it and never hover over someone’s house.
- There are some places that are NFZ (no fly zones). Get the free app B4UFLY and check it out before flying to make sure you are legal.
- While we’re talking’s illegal to fly above 400’, it’s also illegal to fly beyond your line of sight, and you can’t fly over people or moving vehicles. You will see many uTube videos breaking these rules and some have gotten stiff fines from the FAA for their moment of fame. Don’t do it!
- Bring it down immediately if you see or hear a chopper or small private plane in the vicinity. Also, don’t fly anywhere near a traffic accident or other emergency.
- Re birds: most will leave it alone but eagles, hawks, seagulls, and pelicans etc. have been known to occasionally attack. If this happens, go UP immediately as they can’t go up as fast as down. Then get outta there
- When taking off, go to about 10-15’ and hover until it says “home point updated”. This means there are enough satellites locked for the drone to know where it is and where home is.
- If you get a strong winds message, lower altitude (if safely possible), or put in Sport mode (or both) and bring it home.
- Tap the lower left of your screen to make the map appear and it will show you the most direct route home.
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