I have been reading all the rave reviews about the TriplTek 8 on this board and bought one a few days ago. Arrived today. I love the heavy, sturdy feel, robust case, bright screen, etc. I've never used an android device but it was quick and easy. Very intuitive.
Logged into my wifi, downloaded DJI Fly, but I had a difficult time syncing to drone -
Mini 2. It kept intermittently saying "aircraft not connected to remote device." One minute it worked, the next it didn't. I had the cable fully pushed into both the controller and new TriplTek 8. Seemed like it wouldn't make a good connection.
I tried reversing the connector on the controller and triptek 8, used a different cable, but it kept connecting and disconnecting. Eventually I got a steady connection.
I went into ... settings and configured all 5 sections. I'm used to the apple devices. Apparently the DJI Fly software works differently on the android.
First there is no "phone charging" button.
Second, you can't configure the top left function button to any of the 6 otions in the IOS software. Only FPV/Follow and Gimble forward/down. There is no toggling to map, not changing the EV in camera settings... only those 2 options as tap and double tap.
This without even flying because I don't trust the connection from controller to TriplTek 8. So I think I'll box it up and return to amazon for the $775 refund.
Am I doing something wrong or is this the way DJI Fly works on an android?
Thanks for any advice.