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Unable to Switch


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2016
Hey folks, I've searched around for similar issues and haven't seen this reported or discussed anywhere else yet. My Mavic Air is having a wierd problem in flight. I can start recording video but if when I stop recording, I get an error message in the DJI Go app that it is unable to switch. It's occurring on about 80% of my flights. The camera continues to record until I land and power the unit off. Has this happened to anyone else?
Is the exact message "Unable to Switch"?
Since this happens in flight, can you post a flight log? This would put the error message in context with whatever else is happening at the time of the error.
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Screen capture appears to be disabled. So I took a (really crappy) photo of the screen with my other phone. Also attached the flight record.


  • 20180304_095720.jpg
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  • DJIFlightRecord_2018-03-04_[09-55-21][1].txt
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Screen capture appears to be disabled. So I took a (really crappy) photo of the screen with my other phone. Also attached the flight record.
Also, when the message pops up, it will not allow the switch, and I'm forced to cancel and continue recording.
And this one...


  • 1520188895022993424804.jpg
    1.2 MB · Views: 28
  • 1520188927881412163800.jpg
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Both of those are good cards. As this "appears" to be a video file writing issue... Next question: Are you formatting the cards IN THE MAVIC? (Not in the computer)
Honestly though. How much difference could it make? The aircraft communication seems to drop off pretty quickly. Sometime less than 1000 ft in clear, open areas. Could signal strength be the issue?
Signal strength could most definitely be an issue. The way that my alleged brain troubleshoots something like this is by removing variables - until we get down to the problem. Since the error you received, says, "SD card is unavailable" ~that's the first thing that I would chase down.

In all digital cameras, including those on drones, it has been found over and over that formatting the card IN THE CAMERA that will be using the card fixes several "odd", perhaps "unexplainable" problems.

So I would think that until you remove that variable from your troubleshooting process, you're just blindly throwing darts and hoping something sticks. I would format the card in the drone, and run a test flight.

If you think that signal loss is an issue, your logs would tell us more. If you're unfamiliar with the process, you can find instructions and upload your logs here:
DJI Flight Log Viewer
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Signal strength could most definitely be an issue. The way that my alleged brain troubleshoots something like this is by removing variables - until we get down to the problem. Since the error you received, says, "SD card is unavailable" ~that's the first thing that I would chase down.

In all digital cameras, including those on drones, it has been found over and over that formatting the card IN THE CAMERA that will be using the card fixes several "odd", perhaps "unexplainable" problems.

So I would think that until you remove that variable from your troubleshooting process, you're just blindly throwing darts and hoping something sticks. I would format the card in the drone, and run a test flight.

If you think that signal loss is an issue, your logs would tell us more. If you're unfamiliar with the process, you can find instructions and upload your logs here:
DJI Flight Log Viewer
Great advice. Which will be followed... Will check back in afterward...
Thanks for the help!
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Yea def format in drone and not computer! Both cards are u3 so u are good there
occasionally my P3A and P4 would lock up whilst recording video or simply taking a pic.....wouldn't let you switch modes etc etc....its also happened to me once on my new Air this week...only way I could unlock it was to land the drone and switch power off and on.......very strange indeed
Switch to internal memory and try again. That will eliminate your card completely.
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