You could increase the penalty substantially for those who violate the regulation and increase signage. Thos citation would not even come close to paying for the extra man power needed. Popular parks are already _WAY_ understaffed. This would simply take funds and manpower away from other places it was already spread too thin.
Allowing some access is better than not allowing any access. You could only allow permits in advance. As to people flying in parks if they bring their drone, they do that already, so that would not be much different.
Again, the problem is putting the word out that drones are allowed. They are 100% not allowed now and it is _still_ an issue. Obviously it would become a bigger issue if they were allowed... partially.
The NPS in their memorandum stated the ban was an interim policy while they studied the use. They did not allow any public comment or debate. They need to minimally do what they said and replace the memorandum with an actual regulation which would allow full public comment and proposals to be made in favor of allowing it, and proposals for permenent regulation.
There is no vote needed. They were well within their rights to ban drones. Besides, if it were put to a vote... drone fliers would be a in HUGE minority. You'd lose that vote, hands down. But again, there is no vote and the ban is in place.
I fly drones. I'd love to fly in NP. I am 100% for the ban on drones in NP. I have a million other great places to fly. I don't need to ruin the enjoyment of hundreds of others just because I think I'm entitled to a drone photo. IMHO, the NPS does a _very_ good job.