Just some thoughts..... may be helpful, or may not.
I got my Mavic Mini Fly More Combo from BestBuy on November 11, 2019. Having been in RC for a few decades, I would like to believe I know a thing or three about flying planes, helicopters and drones. However this was my first DJI done, so as I do with everything else, I took the time to thoroughly read through the full manual a couple of times, and be active in this and other related forums - and I don't mean only when I had a problem.
I now have several flights and hours logged on the MM. I am not looking to break any records, and have a max height of about 300', a max distance of about 1500', and a max flight time of about 22mins. All my flying has been done in my suburban, residential neighborhood. I fly in all modes, but typically I will have it in P mode. To date I have not recorded one single flight problem.
I use AirdataUAV to log my flights, and am very meticulous in ensuring each flight is uploaded, many times doing this manually when there is a problem with syncing. I recently went through my over 100 flights, and I noticed that I have never once had an ESC or motor overload error, or whatever error is thought to cause the uncommanded descends or what have you’s. I also flew last evening after the new firmware update, and no problems, warnings or errors whatsoever. I must add that I am still using the same props that shipped with the MM.
I'm sure I am not the only one in this situation, but I thought I would post this here along with how I have managed my MM from the start, just in case this turns out to be helpful to someone.
So how do I manage my MM?
On first getting my drone, I had a problem with my first update, and the first response I got to my cry for help, was a suggestion that I try the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic. This solved my problem straight away, and ever since then auto-update is turned off on the drone, and all my firmware updates are done using DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic. It doesn't take long, is not difficult once you know how, and ensures that your MM, RC and all batteries are where they are supposed to be firmware wise.
Next, the DJI Fly app. Anytime there is an update to the software, I first uninstall the old software. Then I turn off (not restart!) the device (phone or tablet), turn it back on and then install the upgraded app. Does this take longer than just updating? Yes. Have I ever had any issues? No. Hey, it takes just a couple of minutes, and has worked out well for me.
Finally the blades. I mentioned in another thread that these have got to be the most delicate parts on the drone. I have always been very gentle with the blades. I check them before and after each flight, running my thumb (on the bottom) and forefinger (on the top) gently from the root to the tip, just to get a 'feel' if there are any nicks or anything else wrong. My MM is always stored and carried in the fly more case, with special care in arranging the props. Some time back I got a set of prop holders (see photos), and I now use these all the time in the case. I have not cut into my case or made any other modifications to it. As I said, I am still using the same set of props that came with the MM. When the drone was new, I had ordered half a dozen sets of new blades from DJI, and together with the 3(?) sets that came with the combo, I am not lacking for blades. As soon as I detect a problem with 1 blade, it probably will be time to change all blades.
So fellow droners, this is MY routine. It may seem a bit overboard to some, but it works and has worked for me. I have just this morning had another 20+ mins flight with no issues. I'm sure I will put another pack or two through it before the day is done.
Sorry for the long read, but if this can be helpful to just 1 person, then it would have been worth it.
Stay safe and happy droning!

EDIT: Yes...... another flight this evening, and have joined the 300' club
I got my Mavic Mini Fly More Combo from BestBuy on November 11, 2019. Having been in RC for a few decades, I would like to believe I know a thing or three about flying planes, helicopters and drones. However this was my first DJI done, so as I do with everything else, I took the time to thoroughly read through the full manual a couple of times, and be active in this and other related forums - and I don't mean only when I had a problem.
I now have several flights and hours logged on the MM. I am not looking to break any records, and have a max height of about 300', a max distance of about 1500', and a max flight time of about 22mins. All my flying has been done in my suburban, residential neighborhood. I fly in all modes, but typically I will have it in P mode. To date I have not recorded one single flight problem.
I use AirdataUAV to log my flights, and am very meticulous in ensuring each flight is uploaded, many times doing this manually when there is a problem with syncing. I recently went through my over 100 flights, and I noticed that I have never once had an ESC or motor overload error, or whatever error is thought to cause the uncommanded descends or what have you’s. I also flew last evening after the new firmware update, and no problems, warnings or errors whatsoever. I must add that I am still using the same props that shipped with the MM.
I'm sure I am not the only one in this situation, but I thought I would post this here along with how I have managed my MM from the start, just in case this turns out to be helpful to someone.
So how do I manage my MM?
On first getting my drone, I had a problem with my first update, and the first response I got to my cry for help, was a suggestion that I try the DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic. This solved my problem straight away, and ever since then auto-update is turned off on the drone, and all my firmware updates are done using DJI Assistant 2 for Mavic. It doesn't take long, is not difficult once you know how, and ensures that your MM, RC and all batteries are where they are supposed to be firmware wise.
Next, the DJI Fly app. Anytime there is an update to the software, I first uninstall the old software. Then I turn off (not restart!) the device (phone or tablet), turn it back on and then install the upgraded app. Does this take longer than just updating? Yes. Have I ever had any issues? No. Hey, it takes just a couple of minutes, and has worked out well for me.
Finally the blades. I mentioned in another thread that these have got to be the most delicate parts on the drone. I have always been very gentle with the blades. I check them before and after each flight, running my thumb (on the bottom) and forefinger (on the top) gently from the root to the tip, just to get a 'feel' if there are any nicks or anything else wrong. My MM is always stored and carried in the fly more case, with special care in arranging the props. Some time back I got a set of prop holders (see photos), and I now use these all the time in the case. I have not cut into my case or made any other modifications to it. As I said, I am still using the same set of props that came with the MM. When the drone was new, I had ordered half a dozen sets of new blades from DJI, and together with the 3(?) sets that came with the combo, I am not lacking for blades. As soon as I detect a problem with 1 blade, it probably will be time to change all blades.
So fellow droners, this is MY routine. It may seem a bit overboard to some, but it works and has worked for me. I have just this morning had another 20+ mins flight with no issues. I'm sure I will put another pack or two through it before the day is done.
Sorry for the long read, but if this can be helpful to just 1 person, then it would have been worth it.
Stay safe and happy droning!

EDIT: Yes...... another flight this evening, and have joined the 300' club

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