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Updating DJI no fly zones


Active Member
Jan 2, 2017

Does anyone know if you can update the no-fly zones, or if there anything ongoing that does that.

Reason is I wanted to fly on what was USAF Greenham Common, now it is just open common land and nothing has flown from there for 30 years or so. The control tower is still there and I fancied doing a POI shot.

Does anyone know if you can update the no-fly zones, or if there anything ongoing that does that.

Reason is I wanted to fly on what was USAF Greenham Common, now it is just open common land and nothing has flown from there for 30 years or so. The control tower is still there and I fancied doing a POI shot.

DJI doesn't make the no-fly zones. They are gathered from the FAA. If the area you talk about is not on the FAA list I would shoot DJI an email.
DJI doesn't make the no-fly zones. They are gathered from the FAA. If the area you talk about is not on the FAA list I would shoot DJI an email.

Despite the name, USAF Greenham Common, is in the UK. So I doubt the US FAA has got anything to do with whether it is a no fly zone or not.
You can either switch off geo fencing in the app, unlock a nfz on the dji website or email dji and tell them to remove the nfz. Good luck!
As for updating the geo data, that is one kind of data that is included in firmware updates. If a new airport is built or (hahaha) the FAA decides a former nfz area is now safe to fly, DJI will post a firmware update that addresses it.
If it's NFZ it'll be in the app. If not then happy flying or do it online in the app..

Fly safe... :)
Just checked the DJI GEO maps and Greetham Common isn't showing as a no fly zone. It's strange that next to the old control tower take off failed but a mile or so away, whilst still within the old airfield perimeter I could fly .
Sorry to hijack but I have a related question. I live a few miles off the approach end of a large airport (SeaTac) and, not surprisingly, the B4UFLY app shows me in a NFZ. The rain has finally let up enough for me to get in my first flight with the mavic, so I tried it today. To my surprise it gave me no warnings of being in a NFZ and I flew around for a few minutes below the rooftops just for a quick check flight.

So my question, does the DJI GO app not restrict you from flying in these areas? I thought it did.
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Chris I have seen youtube videos of people's Mavics not spinning up due to NFZ. They had to go online and request a code to enable the Mavic. So yes it does work but I suspect you found a gap in the NFZ map.

I'm a Seattle native (ripped outa my hometown in 1981 to Long Beach CA), used to collect luggage carts at SeaTac for the 25-cents return, great memories. I am within 5 miles of Long Beach Airport, and about 100 helipads and then there's LAX...I just got my MP and took it to my local park, everytime i get two warnings, something like "Have you notified the local airport of your flight?" and "Do you take full responsibility for your flight" that affect. I check the 2 boxes onscreen and off I go, Makes no sense that you get no warnings, unless the MP does not know where it is??

We have been working with DJI around Washington DC. We are outside the no fly zone (DJI admitted our address was outside of it) but the drone still won't fly because it says NFZ. They have claimed to unlock it but still doesn't work. Not sure if we have to wait for a firmware update or what. We sent a follow up to them.

They said they are going to be adjusting there restrictions to follow the FAA guidelines.

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Weird that I'd be in a gap because if I were to send this thing up to 600 feet I'm sure that it'd be ingested...I'm directly in line with one of the runways. I'm not complaining as I'm happy to have had the opportunity to test it out at home, but if anyone should be not allowed to fly in his backyard, it's me.
I had a weeks worth of correspondence with DJI because an unimproved, gravel, all grown over with brush and trees airstrip near my house was labeled a "restricted zone, aircraft will hover and pause" after much going back and forth with screen shots, pictures from the pilot sectional map they finally reclassified it as an unimproved private airport. Private strips are labeled with an "R" on a sectional map so I'm assuming somebody thought it was restricted, all is well now, I later got an email that informed me that they are constantly updating their database for airports.

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We have been working with DJI around Washington DC. We are outside the no fly zone (DJI admitted our address was outside of it) but the drone still won't fly because it says NFZ. They have claimed to unlock it but still doesn't work. Not sure if we have to wait for a firmware update or what. We sent a follow up to them.

They said they are going to be adjusting there restrictions to follow the FAA guidelines.

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Hey Sean..I'm just outside of the D.C. Area as well if possible keep me informed on your findings about the NFZ updates thnx.
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More luck than me, they totally ignored my emails so I turned off the GEO. Same situation, was an airfield 30 yrs ago, now common land.
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