With all due respect, the actual poster you are replying to is not going to do
anything— his post was merely a hypothetical, technical, feasibility
question, of "would this work?". The legality of such a hypothetical flight is a completely
separate issue, for which there might be other additional solutions, that would accompany the technical solution. The OP also never provided
any location information for the flight, from which one could make a determination that Federal Regulations have
any relevance, and the OP has also not publicly listed his location, from which the flight location might even be
inferred. We are continually asked to be mindful that we have a
global international membership, and that certainly applies here, too. Federal Regulations, assuming they are even applicable, only apply to flights made in the United States. We don't have enough information to make that determination. For all we know, this is a flight for a planned vacation in a foreign country,
assuming the OP is an American pilot, for which we also have no basis, other than he writes in English and is using Imperial distances.