Well-Known Member
The Mavic 2 can easily fly at 8000 feet.
The Max Service Ceiling is 6000 metres
Thanks for the correction.
(am I cofusing feet and meters?)
EDIT Iwas thinking of this video Which is a Mavic Pro but not a Mavic 2 Pro
My premise still holds true. if he wants to fly 800 meters up he has to start below 5,200 meters. As he mentioned mountains it is quite conceivable that the launch point would preclude flying 800m above it.
Many years ago I recall a "true story" that some one bought a microlight kit (powered hang glider to carry a person) when he built it it would not take off. No matter what he did and the tech support at the suppliers could not work out why. Eventually they realised that his "ground level" was actually above the operating ceiling, or at least the take of ceiling, for the microlight.
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