I have been doing some investigating to see how I can improve the jerkiness.
A lot of what I have found has now already been covered by others here and/or elsewher so apologies for any duplication but here’s a summary just in case it may be some help!
First issues (as everybody is saying) is to use a really high spec SD Card.
The previous ones I used (Sandisk 32 gb Class 10) worked fine on the
Phantom 4 but not on the Mavic Air.
I checked out the forums and this was one of those recommended and it certainly improved things:
SanDisk Extreme PRO microSDHC Memory Card Plus SD Adapter up to 100 MB/s, Class 10, U3, V30,
A1 - 32 GB
I was interested in why my original card worked OK on my
Phantom 4 with my standard settings of 1920 x 1080 25 fps but not on the Mavic Air with the same settings.
From comparison of the .mp4 files output with the same video settings from both machines it seems that the file rate and compression on the Mavic Air:
- Date Rate: around 35000 kbs
Is a lot higher than the
Phantom 4:
- Data Rate: around 25000 kbs
Which probably explains the difference I guess
When it comes to all my video editing I have used the latestish versions of Corel Video Studio for many years on my Windows 7 PC as I find it good value for money with lots of extras, and I’m fairly used to it now - even though I can only handle about 25% of what it can do
I have found that 1920 x 1080 at 25fps is a reasonable compromise between file size and quality.
When it comes to rendering the final video I have tended to use 1920 x 1080 25fps MP4 format at 15000 kbs but found that when trying to render the Mavic Air output I am losing some quality.
However using the custom output settings the program will only give a maximum of 2000 kbs which still shows a little reduction in quality (e.g. areas of similar colour are more blurry).
I have found a way round this now by selecting the option “Same as First Video Clip” in the “Create a video that you can play on a computer” drop down box on the Share window (for outputting your final edit) which gives you the same hjgh bitrate as the original.
Having said that the file size is large and probably not best suited to Youtube so maybe some compromise is needed here depending on what you target is.
Having been an ‘Full Auto Setting’s” lazy boy for many years, but from trawling the forums and YouTube videos I can see that this isn’t going to cut the mustard with the Mavic Air

There’s some great info on Mavic Air Manual settings in these videos and I am sure there are more.
It's good to make use of the ‘Tripod’ and ‘Cinematic’ Modes for smooth transitions.
In terms of “motion blur” it seems that the main answer to this is to use ND filters.
I haven’t ordered any yet but will do as I have found that using the recommended settings for motion blur with the ISO set at 100 and shutter speed at 1/50 second (as I am using 25 fps) I get a lot of over exposure in quite low daylight
NB I am very much a novice in this stuff particularly in the area of motion blur settings – this is just what I think I have gleaned so far

Anyway hope this info will be of some use to people in their Mavic Air Journey – just wished I’d learnt some of this stuff a bit earlier
Happy Flying!