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Video/memory card problem with my new Mini 3 Pro

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When you format the micro SD: do you format it while it's plugged in to the PC? or do you format the card after you have re-inserted it into the drone? I have come across mentions of card read errors as a result of formatting the card on a PC and then inserting it into the drone. I always port my shots from the SD card to PC with it plugged into an adapter, but I then crank the drone up and format the micro SD using the camera tab in the FLY app and I format the card every time I boot the drone up for the next flight. So far: touch wood: no problems with the 64gig Sandisk in over three years.
I have tried both methods. Formatting in my PC causes no problems. Formatting in the DJI Mini 3 Pro makes the memory cards I have tried a READ ONCE THEN SELF DESTRUCT device once they are placed in the PC's card reader. Meaning you can plug the card back into the drone, and it will act like it is writing your videos just fine to that card. But when you take the card back to the PC to download those videos you just took, well good luck with that.

Formatting via the PC, however, I can swap the cards back and forth, without any problems at all. The point of this is to try to determine if my example of the Mini 3 Pro has a problem formatting the memory cards. I posted a short and very simple test that someone (anyone?) could try to help me isolate the problem.
Formatting in the DJI Mini 3 Pro makes the memory cards I have tried a READ ONCE THEN SELF DESTRUCT device once they are placed in the PC's card reader.
I've done that over a hundred times (format card in Mini 3, read on computer) and never had a problem.

If you know someone (or have a local drone shop), why not try exactly what you do with your drone on another Mini 3, and see if you have the same thing happen?
I've done that over a hundred times (format card in Mini 3, read on computer) and never had a problem.

If you know someone (or have a local drone shop), why not try exactly what you do with your drone on another Mini 3, and see if you have the same thing happen?
OK, now we may be getting somewhere. When you put the memory card back into your Mini 3 after copying the video files off of the card, do you reformat the card in the drone before writing video to it again?

No one around here has anything like this. Matter of fact, I have only seen one drone up in the air at all locally. And that looked like a big commercial rig doing a job for a new building under construction. And as best I know, unless you call Best Buy a local drone shop, no help around here like that. And I doubt Best Buy is going to let me borrow one for testing.
When you put the memory card back into your Mini 3 after copying the video files off of the card, do you reformat the card in the drone before writing video to it again?
Yes. Well, assuming that I've copied the files off it, and assuming I don't forget.

I never delete files individually, only format the card. And I never format the card in my computer, only my drone.
I would like to ask a favor of anyone reading this thread.
I have done this, in cases where I shot for a day, copied the data over that night, then forgot to format the card when I started again the next day. Haven't had any problems. (I usually shoot stills not video, but use short video clips between bracketed panoramas as a break to remind me where one panorama stops and another starts.)
I have done this, in cases where I shot for a day, copied the data over that night, then forgot to format the card when I started again the next day. Haven't had any problems. (I usually shoot stills not video, but use short video clips between bracketed panoramas as a break to remind me where one panorama stops and another starts.)
Thank you. That is encouraging that I may have just gotten a bum Mini 3 Pro and this isn't a flaw in the implementation of the memory card formatting DJI is using with this device. I really would like to get a replacement when I send this one I have back to Amazon, but want to make certain I won't just be getting the same problem back again with the replacement.
Well, the Mini 3 Pro is now on it's way back to Amazon. Got another one on it's way to me right now. Curious how memory card testing will go with the new one when it gets here. Ordered some Samsung cards in case there is an issue with the SanDisk brand. But seems like they have fallen into a USPS black hole after they left Illinois.
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Yes, that's generally good advice because the formatting routines in Widows and iOS aren't optimized for SD cards, so they may not operate at maximum speed, and they may do something that causes some cameras to glitch. It's also true that some cameras may do something to cause their cards to not work in other cameras. However, as I said, I've never had a problem with cards formatted by the official app from the SD Association, which is the standard that every manufacturer should be developing to. I just find it's more convenient to format the cards after copying, and then the cards are ready to use in any camera, and I've found it's perfectly safe to do so with that app -- but not with Windows -- so I thought I'd pass that along.
Someone else trying the test I have requested would answer some questions. And no, reformatting the memory card each and time you use it in a device is NOT a normal standard. It is a workaround to cover up a formatting flaw in the DJI Mini 3 Pro drone. Perhaps other DJI products?

I have used many devices using memory cards over the years and I have NEVER had to reformat any of the memory cards once they were initially formatted. Not a single solitary one. Of course, this is my first DJI product I have ever had, so maybe I have just been living in a different universe all these years.

I am getting the feeling that you don't want to do the test I have suggested because you are concerned that I may be right. So instead of trying to help being a possible problem to light, and maybe save other people from some headaches when they lose their video files, you are just digging your heels in to try to defend your position in support of DJI.

I don't have a problem stating that the king has no clothes. Do you?
I have been a photographer for over ten years and I have never heard of anyone that deletes there files from the card and puts it back in the device. I use Sony, GoPro, Fuji, Nikon, DJI (including a mini 3) with CF cards, SD cards and now CF express cards in my Nikon. Take card out, download files, put card back in and format card in the device. The issue is the card or your methodology using it.
Well, this is just darn weird. Tried one of the Samsung Pro Plus 128GB V30 A2 microSDXC memory cards I just got in today, and it did the same thing as the SanDisk cards I tried. Which didn't surprise me much.

Just to verify things, I did the same steps with the Samsung card, and I then tried the same regimen with two other devices I use regularly.

  1. format card in Mini 3,
  2. took video,
  3. put card in PC card reader,
  4. copied files to the PC,
  5. deleted files from card,
  6. put back into Mini 3,
  7. took more video,
  8. put memory card in PC card read
  9. ...CRASH

Those devices are a Panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder and a Sony RX10 Mark IV, doing exactly the same steps and didn't have a problem. Just for grins, I used both the native micro SD reader slot, as well as using the larger adapter for the larger SD cards, so two different slots were being used in that card reader interface I have for my PC

Sure is looking like a DJI Mini 3 pro problem formatting the memory card, doesn't it? I was thinking the jury had issued a verdict.

But hold on now. Things took an unexpected turn. Just for giggles, I thought of trying an external USB XQD/SDXC II card reader that I use with my Nikon D850 camera. I did all the same steps mentioned above, with the ONLY change being this external memory card reader. Which, BTW, connects to the PC through the USB3 interface on that very same faceplate with the SD and microSD slots. That all connects to the PC motherboard via the same USB3 interface cable. So get this. Using that XQD card reader, I didn't have ANY problems at all. I could copy video files from the card taken on the Mini 3, delete the files on the card, put the card back into the drone, take more video, bring the card back to eh XQD card reader, and able to access those new files and copy them. I did this several times, over and over again, just to make sure I wasn't just going nuts. It was acting just like the regular SD card reader in the PC has been handling every other memory card from all my other devices over the past 6 years with this PC, and even longer with prior PCs I have had.

So which came first, the chicken or the egg? It appears that the internal memory card reader on my PC is having a problem ONLY with memory cards formatted in the DJI Mini 3 Pro. Or is it the DJI Mini 3 Pro's memory card format ONLY having a problem with that particular internal card reader in my PC? Or is it both? Just a darn fluke coincidence that had either one of the two problems not been there, I never would have seen this particular problem.

Go figure.... :confused:
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It appears that the internal memory card reader on my PC is having a problem ONLY with memory cards formatted in the DJI Mini 3 Pro. Or is it the DJI Mini 3 Pro's memory card format ONLY having a problem with that particular internal card reader in my PC? Or is it both? :confused:
Or is the problem with your computer's internal card reader?
No-one else has these problems.
It doesn't matter where they format the sd cards.
""Deleting' files is just bad practice as it never truly deletes the files. You format a card when you place it back in the device."

Doing a quick format pretty much does the same thing as a delete. Just deletes the entry in the FAT. The file itself is NOT removed from the memory card. You would need to do a FULL format in order to do that.
Doesn't that even slightly strike you as being odd?
No ... what strikes me as odd, is that you cannot be brief and explain yourself simply.
Everything has to be voluminous and complex.
I read twice and it's still not clear.
And for something as simple as reading data from an SD card should be extremely simple.
Or are you just more intent on covering for DJI, no matter what?
Cover for DJI?
Why would I want to "cover" for DJI?
but there is solid evidence here that the DJI Mini 3 Pro definitely has a problem
It would be a rare event to have one drone with an SD card reading issue.
Two is beyond believable
It seems to me that the common factor is the operator and whatever complicated stuff you are doing with it.

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""Deleting' files is just bad practice as it never truly deletes the files. You format a card when you place it back in the device."

Doing a quick format pretty much does the same thing as a delete. Just deletes the entry in the FAT. The file itself is NOT removed from the memory card. You would need to do a FULL format in order to do that.
No ... what strikes me as odd, is that you cannot be brief and explain yourself simply.
Everything has to be voluminous and complex.
I read twice and it's still not clear.
And for something as simple as reading data from an SD card should be extremely simple.

Cover for DJI?
Why would I want to "cover" for DJI?

It would be a rare event to have one drone with an SD card reading issue.
Two is beyond believable
It seems to me that the common factor is the operator and whatever complicated stuff you are doing with it.

LOL!! I was waiting for that one. A very common strategy of trolls is that if they cannot dispute the message, then they try to disparage the reputation of the messenger. So how much is DJI paying you to be here to try to deflect criticism of their products?

As for what I am doing being "complicated", well sorry if you can't keep up. Details matter, so I provided exact detailed steps of what I did to try to troubleshoot this problem. Anyone with reasonable intelligence should be able to follow along. If that is too complicated for you, well I am sorry, but I do not believe that reflects on me as much as it reflects upon you. I even used small words, but I guess even that was too much for you, by your own admission. Which probably explains why you will never be able to comprehend how clear your motives are here in this thread.

I have detailed the facts. This might actually save someone from losing their videos if they would happen to have the same combination of circumstances. Frankly, I really like the DJI Mini 3 drone, which is why I will keep the one I have and just work around the problem. But there is DEFINITELY a problem there, regardless of your wishes otherwise.

As for you (or your employer) not liking the FACTS, well that is just too darn bad. Your attempts at deflection and obfuscation will not alter those FACTS detailed here.
A very common strategy of trolls is that if they cannot dispute the message, then they try to disparage the reputation of the messenger. So how much is DJI paying you to be here to try to deflect criticism of their products?
Seems to me that you are the one employing that strategy.

As for you (or your employer) not liking the FACTS, well that is just too darn bad. Your attempts at deflection and obfuscation will not alter those FACTS detailed here.
It's you that doesn't want to hear the facts.
And adding that you think DJI pays me to suggest that you are wrong is just ridiculous.
I'm done with your conspiratorial nonsense.
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Seems to me that you are the one employing that strategy.

It's you that doesn't want to hear the facts.
And adding that you think DJI pays me to suggest that you are wrong is just ridiculous.
I'm done with your conspiratorial nonsense.

I stated detailed facts. It is apparently only you who seems to be unable to follow the simple steps.

What facts are you presenting?

You are having problems with your video card and are blaming the drone?
The issue is much more likely to be the card.

It's unlikely to be an issue with the drone.

The drone is the least likely suspect.

It's not a DJI problem,

It hasn't been "fixed" because there is no problem that needs to be fixed.
DJI has sold millions of drones and if they all had such a problem, someone would have noticed it by now ..... but they haven't.

Perhaps the drone is the issue.
But it would be an extremely rare fault if it is.

If it does, then I'd be certain that the problem is not the drone.
No-one else has such problems with this.

What's the problem accepting that SD cards and their formatting is a complete non-issue for DJI users?

Of course there must be a serious defect in DJI's use of SD cards.
It's a mystery why none of millions of users have found it before you though.

It would be a rare event to have one drone with an SD card reading issue.
Two is beyond believable

All I see there are baseless and unsupportable opinions. Your only purpose for being here is to support DJI by trying to squelch (if you don't understand the meaning of this word, please look it up) someone bringing to light a FACT related to a failing in the DJI Mini 3 Pro drone. Yes, there are work arounds, and no it is not a fatal error, but an error it is, nonetheless. Will most people ever experience it? Probably not. Will no one EVER experience it? I don't think anyone can logically and truthfully make that claim. Some CAN lose video if they have this sort of problem between their DJI Mini 3 Pro drone and their particular card reader and don't use a particular methodology to circumvent the problem. Does formatting the memory card after every use sidestep the problem? Yes, it does. Does it say anywhere in the manual that this is a required step? Not that I have seen. So you are left to your own choices about how you do such things. Not everyone is going to do it the same way, obviously.

Anyway, regardless of the smoke and mirrors and attempted brow beating, I have stated the facts that I have found, as well as details pertinent for any partially sentient being to be able to follow and use as a testing guide for their own peace of mind. Take it for what it is worth to you. If it helps someone, fine. If not, well, that is fine with me too.
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I stated detailed facts. It is apparently only you who seems to be unable to follow the simple steps.

What facts are you presenting?

All I see there are baseless and unsupportable opinions. Your only purpose for being here is to support DJI by trying to squelch (if you don't understand the meaning of this word, please look it up) someone bringing to light a FACT related to a failing in the DJI Mini 3 Pro drone. Yes, there are work arounds, and no it is not a fatal error, but an error it is, nonetheless. Will most people ever experience it? Probably not. Will no one EVER experience it? I don't think anyone can logically and truthfully make that claim. Some CAN lose video if they have this sort of problem between their DJI Mini 3 Pro drone and their particular card reader and don't use a particular methodology to circumvent the problem. Does formatting the memory card after every use sidestep the problem? Yes, it does. Does it say anywhere in the manual that this is a required step? Not that I have seen. So you are left to your own choices about how you do such things. Not everyone is going to do it the same way, obviously.

Anyway, regardless of the smoke and mirrors and attempted brow beating, I have stated the facts that I have found, as well as details pertinent for any partially sentient being to be able to follow and use as a testing guide for their own peace of mind. Take it for what it is worth to you. If it helps someone, fine. If not, well, that is fine with me too.
Did you ever get this issue resolved? I am curious, as I don't want to have the same issue. I've not had this happen with any of my five other DJI drones, but there is always a first time.
@Rich Z, @Meta4, I'm not reading your mini-novels, and I doubt anyone else here is either. I got paint to watch drying.

Why don't you two take it to PM and insult each other there?
Thank you for your valuable contribution to worldwide knowledge. Perhaps others felt it worthwhile to gain some knowledge from this discussion. Sorry if you prefer the reader's digest type sources of information.
Did you ever get this issue resolved? I am curious, as I don't want to have the same issue. I've not had this happen with any of my five other DJI drones, but there is always a first time.
I believe I explained what I had discovered in post #73 in this thread. Did I miss some details that need explaining better?
I stated detailed facts. It is apparently only you who seems to be unable to follow the simple steps.

What facts are you presenting?

All I see there are baseless and unsupportable opinions. Your only purpose for being here is to support DJI by trying to squelch (if you don't understand the meaning of this word, please look it up) someone bringing to light a FACT related to a failing in the DJI Mini 3 Pro drone. Yes, there are work arounds, and no it is not a fatal error, but an error it is, nonetheless. Will most people ever experience it? Probably not. Will no one EVER experience it? I don't think anyone can logically and truthfully make that claim. Some CAN lose video if they have this sort of problem between their DJI Mini 3 Pro drone and their particular card reader and don't use a particular methodology to circumvent the problem. Does formatting the memory card after every use sidestep the problem? Yes, it does. Does it say anywhere in the manual that this is a required step? Not that I have seen. So you are left to your own choices about how you do such things. Not everyone is going to do it the same way, obviously.

Anyway, regardless of the smoke and mirrors and attempted brow beating, I have stated the facts that I have found, as well as details pertinent for any partially sentient being to be able to follow and use as a testing guide for their own peace of mind. Take it for what it is worth to you. If it helps someone, fine. If not, well, that is fine with me too.
What FACTS, pray tell, did you share in this post that weren't simply a testy recitation of FACTS you had shared, multiple times, already?

None. Rather it was a petty adolescent display, in response to a petty adolescent display. I doubt I'm alone in seeing it that way, however if you're happy behaving that way publicly in front of strangers, that's your business.

You were doing fine until @Meta4 baited you into losing your composure. That was a good and wise way to get help with a problem. Getting into a pissing match side show is not.

The last word is yours.
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I've used both of the following procedures to transfer picture & video files from my M3P to my machine:


1. Removing the SD card from my M3P, placing it directly into the (multiple-size) card reader of my machine.


2. Removing the SD card, placing it into the high-speed adapter (which has a USB-A connection) which came with the 512 GB card (which I keep in the RC controller as a backup).

In both of those, I selected “Move files” (not the folders) to my chosen storage location on my hard drive.

I verified the files have been moved successfully, & then selected “Delete files” from the card(s).

I removed the card(s) & then placed them back in their respective devices.

The SD cards I use are Samsung Pro Plus U3 A2 V30 brand – 1 of them is a 128 GB & the other a 512 GB capacity. I originally formatted them using the previously-mentioned utility, NOT the one available in WinDoze, NOR the one available in the devices' utility.

Both of those cards have been working flawlessly for me since I bought & installed them into their respective devices.

I formatted them 1nce, & not since.

Never had (never having) any problems at all.

It seems there is a difference between details in the formatting between what DJI supplies, & what WinDoze supplies.

When in question, I always go to the source, which in this case, is the previously-mentioned official utility.

I remain unenlightened when it comes to the habit of (re)formatting the SD cards in 1 or another device, & expecting that both are always going to be compatible, all the time, & also the habit of reformatting after every use.

I've never had to do that, & never had any issues, in >a decade of using various devices.

Regardless of whether a particular unit (the aforementioned M3P in this case) has an issue or not…

I think that instead of debating the details, removing any variables with 1 or another formatting algorithms & following the procedure with the items & utility I mentioned above should suffice.

I guess, for the sake of academic argument, the actual source(s) of the difficulty & fault can be determined, but AFAIK, the goal is to be able to use & enjoy the drone, amirite? 🤷‍♀️
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