Former Member
Well-Known Member
HI, I'm back, got another Mavic Pro. I have every part there is, multiples of some, still have purple lines like in picture I posted. This interference, whatever it is, is there all the time. Fire up controller, start Mavic, just sitting there, not flying, no props turning, interference in video is there. I have changed COMPLETE camera assy. no help, have changed main core board, no help, have changed wifi module, no help, have changed GPS module, no help, have tried different ribbon cables, no help. Last possible thing to try is flight control ESC board, but that is sooo much work. Have had this Mavic apart so many times, could do it in my sleep. I have 2 other complete Mavic pro's that work fine, plus a lot of parts. Just ca't fix this one. What can it be??
Do you have a screenshot?
Here are the things that will cause the pink hue in a video feed:
- Bad or pinched strand in the LVDS cable
- Bad video connector on the gimbal PCB
- Corroded or damaged connector on the core board
- Damaged core ribbon cable
- Damaged connector in teh camera barrel
I would examine your LVDS cable under a magnifying glass and look for kinked strands. Also look at your gimbal PCB video connector.