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video range


Jul 14, 2020
Good day to all,
I am a seaman from philippines currently onboard
and i bought a mavic mini in netherland almost a
month ago. Yesterday 15th of july 2020 i was able to
test it using all newly charge batteries. I was fully
satisfied of it. Except its range. Its upsetting that the
video signal freeze at 200+ meters. Reading from
mavic mini furoms and watcing from you tube
that the range could reach 1k meters and the video
still stable. I’ll be happy if it could really reach that far
when i will use it in the philippines. I just want to know
if there is anyway i could increase its range by putting
the transmission in manual?. Thats mostly i learn from
the furoms...
thank you very much and hope someone can advice me
on how to make that could reach 1k meters without
video freezing...
its my first time in this thread...
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CE (European version) has a shorter range and being WiFi any WiFi interference or obstacles in the way hinder distance dramatically!
thnkz mr bob. i just hope i can find a way to extend its range. sad to say it was not mention about the FCC and CE versions in thier ads and the range of its version. thnkz again sir...
Was this flight from the ship? There is a model number on the back of the controller such as MR1SD25 (my UK CE model), what is your's? From the shore I have been out to 600m-ish ( the limit of my VLOS)over sea and it's been trouble free.
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If bought in Netherlands you most likely have the CE version which has the shorter range (500m on 5.8ghz and 2000m on 2.4ghz). If you have wifi onboard for your internet then that may interfere with the controller signal and limit range.

Sounds like you're flying from a ship. You'll need a clear unobstructed path between the controller and the drone. Any walls, antennas, handrailings etc will start to block the signal and shorten your range a lot.

ON a different note, if the ship is moving then be very careful that the drone doesn't go into automatic return-to-home as it will fly back to where the ship was when you launched and try to land there. As the ship is moving the drone will land itself in the sea behind the ship! The drone will automatically do this if it loses signal.
thnks so much for your care and concern. id fly it in land when we are in port of noorkoping sweden. i will check which model of mavic mini i had soon. and try to fly it in manual transmission if i had a chance again....once again thnk you cybor, mr philius and mr scro...with your concern it inspire me to test it again if i have a chance...gob bless to you all....
Even CE modele can achieve a good video transmission for bigger distance that what you can maintain as visual connection with the drone!
- first put your phone or tablet in airplane mode to avoid disturbance.
- put channel selection in manual and select the wifi channel with lower bar !
- if this is not enought, try a yagi antena extender ( better than parabolic extender).
thnk you so much mr fificup. ill try manual transmission if i have a chance of now we're about to sail out bound to germany...thnks a lot...
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Are you on H&S Wisdom? or perhaps Kaja? Happy sailing!

When you go to manual channel select (tap on 3dots menu, then go to the transmission tab) if you get channels with numbers like 1, 2, 3...12 etc and then a jump to much higher numbers like 149, 150... then you have the CE model. If you just have the much higher numbers then you have the FCC model. You can also check the model number of the controller: FCC is MR1SS5 and CE is MR1SD25.
Are you on H&S Wisdom? or perhaps Kaja? Happy sailing!

When you go to manual channel select (tap on 3dots menu, then go to the transmission tab) if you get channels with numbers like 1, 2, 3...12 etc and then a jump to much higher numbers like 149, 150... then you have the CE model. If you just have the much higher numbers then you have the FCC model. You can also check the model number of the controller: FCC is MR1SS5 and CE is MR1SD25.
hi scro,
yes im in h&s widom. motorman. are you the pilot from germany?...ill check the model later...thnks for your message...
and to mr paul. yes the antena direction is in the right position when i did the test flight...i watch the set ups and walkthrough in youtube before i test the drone...everything was so great...except the range...thnk you mr paul..
I sometimes work on boats too, so take an interest in other boats and what they are doing ? Just now I'm on land in the UK. You could get some amazing videos from a boat, but it is very risky and so easy to lose your drone, especially when launching from something that's moving. Watch out for wind when flying. The very fastest the Mini can fly is about 50kmh, so if the wind is even close to that speed then it can easily get blown a long way away and far beyond the reach of your controller. The higher you fly the stronger the winds get!
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