Hello, I recently crashed my
Mini 2 into a tree and now I'm on my last DJI care repair. Any ways to maybe prevent some crashing? Especially in things like flying around buildings, or places where crashing is most common, any anti-crashing practices that people usually do?
I am an engineer, can't help myself from viewing the whole world as a problem to debug.
Remember each crash and write down why you crashed. Figure out what you could have done differently to avoid that particular crash and make that a new practice. Write it down. Read your notes before you launch.
For example, these are mine:
1. Flew into a tree on manual RTH
-start home sooner with more battery so you don't feel rushed to get back. when in doubt, stop for a moment and think about what you should do next.
-always climb above the tree line until you have VLOS when you're returning (it usually much easier to spot against the sky rather than trees)
-put a strobe on your drone to improve visibility
2. Flew into a tree on auto RTH
-make it a practice to always check the RTH height before taking off. Make it 50ft higher than you think you need.
-as soon as you think you should be able to see the drone, stop and hover until you do or figure why you're looking in the wrong direction
3. Too aggressive to get the perfect shot.
-stop it. (at least that's what I tell myself.)
-get a cage and use it for dicey flying
4. Got disoriented and pushed controls the exact wrong way (I still do this)
-Build your skills. Get a cage and fly at lower speed near and around obstacles when you're safe from bystanders; under gazebos, through fence gates, down tree lined paths, etc Only do this places you can easily retrieve your drone. I didn't get any better, but I became more philosophically accepting of the certainty of destroying my drone.
-get a cheap small indoor drone and fly it around the house until build up your muscle memory.
-every time you go flying, spend 3-5 minutes just flying back and forth immediately in front of yourself to get your head in the game. then land, swap batteries and take off again.
But those are why I would crash. Your list will likely be different.
Good luck!