In North Carolina it's clearly defined
Right and it surprises me that I can't find anything like that for Indiana. But on the other hand the restriction about not flying inside state parks is easily found on plenty of sites discussing the Indiana drone laws. That really doesn't make sense.
I agree that the NC law would be a good rule of thumb as is the FAA restriction around Federal prisons (400ft radius).
In my experience, law enforcement will always tell you not to do it regardless of whether or not there are laws in place.
Unfortunately that seems to be others experiences too. It is unfortunately obvious that many (most?) police don't know what the gun laws are in their states either. I can't see them knowing any more about drone restrictions. Which is why I'm trying to get the info elsewhere from those who would hopefully know.
gives me a warning then stops if I'm too close.
That's kind of what I figured would happen but I didn't want to rely on the controller software for that.
Isn't "Don't fly over prisons" specific enough?
I'm really not trying to be argumentative and I apologize in advance if I'm coming across that way.
But no it's not.
It would be like someone asking "what are the rules for flying around airports?" and the answer being "just don't do it".
Of course I'm not suggesting flying directly over a jail. I've said that several times now.
I'm just asking what the limits are for flying
around/in the vicinity of them.
I think I have my answer (that there doesn't seem to be any known for Indiana) so I think I'll just leave it here unless someone has any better specific info on it.
On a related note I found out why the ISP helicopters were flying low around my house yesterday.
There was a fairly high profile (local?) police officer who was killed in the line of duty and they had his funeral yesterday with lots of other police presence just a few blocks from my house. I had no idea.
I definitely was being paranoid (which I figured) but at least it sparked the thought about this topic. So I guess that was a good thing.