I can guarantee it is NOT marked as a military aircraft. As I said, I can see the pilot, who saw me taking pics/vid and my wife swears he flew lower and over our house several times.
I haven't ascertained if it is the same aircraft each time, but it is a 3 wheeled Cessna, very much like I was going to take my pilot's license in. It has markings, but nothing military that I can see. White, with red lettering as a normal Cessna might be.
I'm going to leave this whole issue, I'll take your advice
@MS Coast and call NAS Pensacola. It just makes me nervous as hell. BTW, I looked at 2 of the suggested replacements for B4UFLY, I'm embarrassed I didn't see that it was obsolete, although it was only on Feb 1 of this year. Anyway, both of them, and I am looking at AirHub right now, say that I am COMPLETELY safe to fly to my ceiling in my driveway. What I am also going to do, if I see this guy flying low again, I am going to immediately check AirHub to see if some temporary restriction has been placed on this airspace. No matter what, I'll NEVER launch if I hear an aircraft in the vicinity, nor will I stay aloft if one comes around whilst I'm flying.
If I call and get any resolution from NAS Pen, I'll repost. Otherwise, thanks to all again for a great dialogue!