So how do we explain the early firmware that we had that had no issues for many including myself ,, somehow something has gotten lost in the translation , and I am sure it is more complicated than that but maybe not.
Sounds like poor regression testing to me.
Regression testing is a dying art. A lot of people writing SW now don't even know what it means.
Regression testing is what you do after you make changes to a SW system, to make sure you didn't unintentionally break something that worked before, which you assumed was unrelated to the changes that you made.
As SW gets larger, more complicated, and more internally integrated, testing in general and regression testing in particular has become much harder.
I suspect there was an "Oh Sugar!" moment at DJI when they realized that in their attempt to fix thing X in the firmware, they unintentionally busted thing Y.
If that's true, it means that there are linkages within the SW that they hadn't previously understood. Frustrating though it is for users, it's better to actually figure out how that happened, than to just throw possible fixes at it. They could try to roll back to the previous version, but that has its own complications.
Not to mention that the whole system has to integrate with a bazillion different phone types, which will have their own update schedules, any one of which might have the potential to break the DJI--Phone interface.
I got my first programming job in 1974, writing output subroutines for what was, at the time, the biggest computer in the world, the CDC 7700. Military, of course. I think it was running a staggering 500,000 lines of code...
When I was Director of IT for the Nevada state government 30 years later, in 2004, I coined the smartbutt phrase:
"Interfaces = Death"
When the Governor asked me at one point what the biggest IT problems would be in the next 5 years, I said without missing a beat:
"Interfaces and integrations"
Nothing since then has suggested to me that I should modify either of those pronouncements!
Has anyone thought to correlate the GPS lock failures, with the type of phone being used?
Just a thought...