I went back and checked my email, since I was travelling the follow-up email never sent. So I have the opportunity to post the follow-up I originally intended to send out. The follow-up is as follows, look it over and see if you believe I need to modify it in any way.
"begin example scenario:
A recreational pilot who does not possess a Part 107 certification and who flies only for recreational purposes takes their drone out and photographs a waterfall that is not easily accessible by foot. They return home and show the footage to their friend, who loves the content and wants to use it on their business website for marketing/monetary purposes. They pay the pilot money for a copy and the use of their footage. Is this pilot allowed to do this without having a 107 certificate/certification?
End Scenario:
Ultimately, what the group is saying is the purpose of the flight, at the time of the flight, is the only part governed by part 107, and any images/footage captured during the flight are merely the property of the person flying and can later be used in any way they wish, either recreationally (personal enjoyment) or commercially by selling it, using it on their for-profit website, monetized stock photos, etc. To boil the question down to a single sentence, does the selling or otherwise use for monetary purposes of the footage from the flight retroactively change the intent of the flight from recreational to commercial, and would the pilot in the above fictional scenario be able to do this without possessing a Part 107 certificate?"
I believe with this clarification follow-up, we should get a definitive answer, even though I am personally content in saying the previous answer tells me what I need to know.
"begin example scenario:
A recreational pilot who does not possess a Part 107 certification and who flies only for recreational purposes takes their drone out and photographs a waterfall that is not easily accessible by foot. They return home and show the footage to their friend, who loves the content and wants to use it on their business website for marketing/monetary purposes. They pay the pilot money for a copy and the use of their footage. Is this pilot allowed to do this without having a 107 certificate/certification?
End Scenario:
Ultimately, what the group is saying is the purpose of the flight, at the time of the flight, is the only part governed by part 107, and any images/footage captured during the flight are merely the property of the person flying and can later be used in any way they wish, either recreationally (personal enjoyment) or commercially by selling it, using it on their for-profit website, monetized stock photos, etc. To boil the question down to a single sentence, does the selling or otherwise use for monetary purposes of the footage from the flight retroactively change the intent of the flight from recreational to commercial, and would the pilot in the above fictional scenario be able to do this without possessing a Part 107 certificate?"
I believe with this clarification follow-up, we should get a definitive answer, even though I am personally content in saying the previous answer tells me what I need to know.