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How to charge for flying company's equipment?


New Member
Dec 4, 2017
I work full-time for a public broadcast station as a videographer and editor. This is a union position. Until now I have had an arrangement to fly my personal drone for the company to provide them with any aerial footage needs. I have charged them a drone rental feel on top of my normal salary for the company for any time I am using my drone. The company is going to purchase its own drone and expects me to fly it, as well as the idea of making it available to other members of the company for their use. I am trying to figure out what to propose for compensation for my years of expertise and part 107 licensed status but would be flying their equipment. Some sort of stipend for drone flying seems maybe more appropriate than an overall bump in my yearly salary and an amendment to my job description. Does anyone have any thoughts or expertise to share regarding this situation?

Many thanks.
The company is going to purchase its own drone and expects me to fly it, as well as the idea of making it available to other members of the company for their use.

I'm not in the commercial drone business and I'm not part of a Union.

It looks like they need to hire you as a full time PIC Part 107 certified pilot.

Are the other employees certified to fly a drone for the work needed?

Just because they can fly and capture content doesn't make it proper unless they are certified or you're supervising the flights if they are not Part 107 certified.

Just my random 2 cents worth of opinion...

This type of thing is very common and usually there is no "increased compensation" for flying a drone. If you don't want to do that as part of your "daily job" pass on it and let them figure out how to get someone else in the ORG to do it.
An employer with a fleet and multiple pilots needs a chief pilot, which should be a step up in responsibilities and compensation. I would pitch them on this. Specifying gear for purchase, developing and implementing standard maintenance and operating procedures, employee training, logging, etc. would seem to be beyond the expertise of management. Help them and get paid for it.

This is similar to a Crew Chief or Assistant Chief Engineer in tv broadcasting.
Whatever you decide on, (you & company) get it in writing.
Verbal doesn't mean squat today..........just saying.

Since you’re a union worker why not start with discussing this with your union? I would think your employer would almost have to go along with whatever the union backs for your compensation. This is a change in your job description.

There may be some negotiating required, but that should be the responsibility of your union. You should be able to take it or not.

Of course a lot depends on the state you live in and the clout unions have there.
Make sure you are specifically listed on their insurance policy (for flying), and get a copy of that. If something were to happen, you don’t want to be left hanging out to dry (which WOULD happen).
Secondly, call around to a local drone supplier, dealer, or repair shop (or call Maverick Drone Systems in Chaska, MN). Find out what their daily rental fee is for the equipment you are supplying to your employer. Then you have established market value and you can decide from there what to charge.
If you get the union involved, it will all have to be negotiated, lawyers and contracts involved, 😖, possibly just causing your employer to make it easy on themselves and contract it out.
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If you get the union involved, it will all have to be negotiated, lawyers and contracts involved, 😖, possibly just causing your employer to make it easy on themselves and contract it out.
I would contract it out if I were having to deal with all those hoops & hurdles.
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