So I was planning to take a long flight over to the marina today to capture some footage over there again. I took the Mavic to about 300' and played with the gimbal a little (i was having problems with it yesterday and wanted to ensure my fix was truly a fix). I then pinned down the throttle.
I wasn't giving my phone screen dedicated attention as my dog was chasing birds around the yard and I thought it would have been funny to of filmed that. A minute or so later I look down at my remote and think "weird... It's not reading speed. Weird... It doesn't look like it is going very fast on the screen either. ****! wrong joystick pinned down." I look at my altitude and i'm at just over 1000'. So now I'm like... Holy **** batman, I'm high. Then as I feel my palms start to sweat, the child of Mossburg's past comes back and I say... "**** it, i'm already up here." and pin it down. The result is below. I brought it back after this. I got some cool video but i'll have to upload that later.
Untitled by
Chris Mossburg, on Flickr